Do you have any suggestions on how I could get my page to rank a bit higher? Since I have a faily good PR (6) I think I should be able to get at least in the top 20? Or is that too much to ask?

Do you have any suggestions on how I could get my page to rank a bit higher? Since I have a faily good PR (6) I think I should be able to get at least in the top 20? Or is that too much to ask?

Yours is a truly puzzling question. I've pondered it myself CONSTANTLY over the past year.

My site's main keyword is "ISP Directory", and at some points throughout the past year, my site has been listed in the top 10 on google!!! Usually, it was the last link on the page, which was a spot I like, simply for it sticks out once someone has scrolled the page. However, my PR has bounced between 4-6 at all different times. Now, I'm on the 3rd page of Google results, and my site has only expanded in content, and increased in PR and overall traffic.

However, IMHO, to me it seems as if the amount of time a site has been on the internet plays a key role in the PR, and ranking in the results. We all already know from experience that it takes 2-3 months to get your site listed, and indexed by Google. Every site I have ever created has fallen into that range, and usually 6-8 months to have a decent amount of search engine traffic.

The sites that you continually see at the top of the rankings seem to more often than not be the sites that have been on the net the longest.

A couple of my competitors sites have been up since the late 90's, and mine is newly formed late 2002!!!

I think in simple terms another BIG consideration for Google is the age that a site has been up on the internet. If a site is up, available with content each time google makes its crawl, a little "star" is placed by the site. If your site is often down, and not available during a crawl, you will get a "bad" mark. I have read some factual basis behind this theory, I just feel plays a bigger role than they let on. :p

Whew... hope that made sense. :-| :-| :-|

Ok. srry for my internet ignorance but what is PR?

Yours is a truly puzzling question. I've pondered it myself CONSTANTLY over the past year.

My site's main keyword is "ISP Directory", and at some points throughout the past year, my site has been listed in the top 10 on google!!! Usually, it was the last link on the page, which was a spot I like, simply for it sticks out once someone has scrolled the page. However, my PR has bounced between 4-6 at all different times. Now, I'm on the 3rd page of Google results, and my site has only expanded in content, and increased in PR and overall traffic.

However, IMHO, to me it seems as if the amount of time a site has been on the internet plays a key role in the PR, and ranking in the results. We all already know from experience that it takes 2-3 months to get your site listed, and indexed by Google. Every site I have ever created has fallen into that range, and usually 6-8 months to have a decent amount of search engine traffic.

The sites that you continually see at the top of the rankings seem to more often than not be the sites that have been on the net the longest.

A couple of my competitors sites have been up since the late 90's, and mine is newly formed late 2002!!!

I think in simple terms another BIG consideration for Google is the age that a site has been up on the internet. If a site is up, available with content each time google makes its crawl, a little "star" is placed by the site. If your site is often down, and not available during a crawl, you will get a "bad" mark. I have read some factual basis behind this theory, I just feel plays a bigger role than they let on. :p

Whew... hope that made sense. :-| :-| :-|

Ok. srry for my internet ignorance but what is PR?

PageRank (PR), is Google's own way of calculating the value of a page. Generally, the higher the PR, the higher your traffic level. :cheesy:

How do you know your PR?

How do you know your PR?

The easiest way is to download the Google Toolbar. This will show you the PR of any page you visit.

easy to use, and regardless of what people say about it being spyware, etc., I think this is one of the most usefull programs I've ever used as a web developer.

ok.. I'll try

I'm sorta upset. My site used to have a PR 6 on the homepage, while some-subpages had PR 5 and other less-popular pages were PR 2. Now, the daniweb.com homepage is PR 4 and the techtalkforums.com homepage is PR 5. :(

I'm sorta upset. My site used to have a PR 6 on the homepage, while some-subpages had PR 5 and other less-popular pages were PR 2. Now, the daniweb.com homepage is PR 4 and the techtalkforums.com homepage is PR 5.

I've seen similar, and my sites have all balanced out at a PR of 5 for the homepages. I think it's just going to take time for it to climb beyond that. I'm going to delve into some new SEO techniques, and see if some keywords changes and additons make a difference. It seems though that it can take months to really tell if something worked with google.

I hate to imagine what would happen if google ever went belly up after webmasters have spent years trying to optimize for their engine.

Haha how funny is this ... I did a google search on "google PR" to read up on some secrets to increase my PR, and instead this thread came up 3rd in the results!

:!: :!: :!:
Now that's when you know you are running a very informative site.

While all the content here isn't "yours" (user posts), I know how hard it can be to make a site like this work...

I guess that's just a little proof you are doing a great job!!!

Keep up the good work cscgal! :mrgreen:

Anyone got PR strategies that they would like to divulge? Come on you know you want to! Tell us your secrets! I will tell you mine!

Anyone got PR strategies that they would like to divulge? Come on you know you want to! Tell us your secrets! I will tell you mine!

I wish I did! Boy, oh boy, do I wish I had the secret to Google SEO! Just make sure you have lots of inbound links to your site from high-PR domains. And if you can avoid it, don't use query tags in dynamic URLs.

Acc. to a guy I know (employed in Google ;)):
Google doesn't mind query tags in URLs.

Also, you can read their original page rank algorithm in the research paper by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
Note: the since then, a lot has changed in the google search engine we see now.
1 link from slashdot.org is more valuable than 1million links from pages with very low PRs

Wow! That's a really interesting research paper - thanks for the post! The research paper that's behind the thesis that's behind the idea of starting google ... written by its founders before google was, well, google ;)

At the moment My site has been up and running for roughfully 2 - 3 months and still has a PR of 0 very strange - google spiders my site daily and has cached most pages - prob google sandbox effect for new sites?

Thanks, Jack.

Very probable. Personally, I wouldn't pay attention to it. If you're getting traffic from Google, and you're seeing results, don't worry about it.

Yes as long as you get quality traffic that is good enough, i would assume that PR would not really count much on ranking high in search results. it's the way you organized your info and strategy to drive as much quality traffic as possible :) just my though though.

SEO for page rank and traffic is a very tricky thing and must be monitored on a site for months, with the way Google changes so much you have to be careful to do it right or you may get caught with your pants down.

Pr is only useful for finding your links. It looks good when you have pr 5,6,7. It is not helping you on CEO. I dont think Google has secrets, I am following their suggestions ( except sitemap because it is not the must way to use ) and my site hit to the top instantly.

I've been reading this scratching my head... PR6? I'd give one of my testies for PR6!

I've been reading this scratching my head... PR6? I'd give one of my testies for PR6!

Save yourself the agony. PR has nothing to do with rankings in the SERPs anymore. It once had significance for Google but has been over exploited by spammers. PR is near being obsolete.

I realize that they don't tell you that on the google.com site but the evidence clearly indicates that good content outweighs artificially empowered content it doesn't matter what the PR value is of the web page. PR1 pages outrank PR6 pages competiting for the same keyphrases all the time.

Now don't get wrong folks, it is nice to have Google think your web pages are important and assign high PR values to them. Theoretically, if the high PR page has content that is sufficiently crafted and naturally supported, a higher PR web page does have a ranking advantage over a lower one because it has what appears to be some established popularity. Unfortunately, most of the content found on high PR pages nowadays is inferior and empowered externally using links to the content to make it appear to be uniquely important content; but that doesn't make it good content just because it appears to be.

Google knows the difference between good content and mediocre content made to appear to be like good content. Some SEOs are calling this trend: "establishing credibility" ( not to be confused with authenticity ) or I heard it once called "assigning importance".

Focus on creating unique and brilliantly crafted content. PR is on its way to the graveyard. If you want good rankings in the SERPs, get to work formulating good content. If you want PR, well, I don't know what to tell you but to keep begging for someone to give your web pages PR I guess.

Hi. Pr though is welcome , is not everything for good serp

Actually Fred, I hope you are right. That way my site can take off anytime... :D

PR has nothing to do with ranking. It has everything to do with how often you're recrawled and how deep you're crawled. In other words, backlinks will get you a high PR, and a high PR will get the googlebots coming to your site, but it's now up to you to make the best of the googlebots time on your site with on page factors to get you high rankings.

Perfect. It is the site quality that matters and PR only helps in briging Bots to your site quickly

Now people have started worrying about their sites' PR again. I noticed changes in my sites' PR yesterday. In as much as it doesn't worry me much, I still try my best to work on my PR. Somehow, it gives confidence.

In the end I think the only thing that counts is when someone types a search term in... your page comes up on the first page (1-10zone)
I used to have a PR4 but as of two days ago it is PR3 and my other sites that I have done nothing with are PR2.. What the??????
I have worked my guts out on the PR4 page only for it to drop... But when I search for a related keyword I come up before the opposition pages with PR5 or PR6....
You tell me what is going on??? Is this really a true measure of your site worth.

My <snip URL> site had PR4 last month.
now it is only PR3, but it got better result in first page. even #1 in 5-6 terms

Try to build some quality backlinks from websites ,having a PR greater than 6

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