
Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. In the search engine optimization (SEO) world, the number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page.



I agree. Commenting in dofollow blogs is a way to build quality backlinks.

Influencing off-site factors is search engine manipulation.

If you have good quality content on your website, you should have no problems getting genuine backlinks in return. That's what I believe.

When I see these kind of thread titles I expect to read about some individual's site. But these link droppers are making my life worse. Is it just me or everybody gets disappointed after seeing the content of the thread?

If you have good quality content on your website, you should have no problems getting genuine back links in return.
Also blog commenting in dofollow blogs is a way to build quality back links.

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Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. In the search engine optimization (SEO) world, the number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page.


This is also one of the things that search engine spiders look for in order for them to rank your webpages. The best thing for this is through article submission, it does not only give you backlink but also enough traffic coming from it because it can also rank well in Google and Yahoo.

Back links helps your site/blog get into top rankings. But of course what counts most is the quality of back links you are getting.. Google gives more value on the quality of back links compared to those irrelevant sites that you have..

Backlinks is the most effective way to get more traffic on site or sales,...It help to improve your PR.

see, getting links from any site is good, if the site has a good PR. i would urge you to look for relevant links. coz in the longer run relevancy does play an important role!

Even active participation in social network sites bring backlinks.

for backlinks for any site try to submit article, directory, social bookmarking and blogs posting.

I agree also... although I have found you can do a heck of alot with on site optimization including modifying the internal link structure and adding more links throughout the website itself. It helps, but I am 100% for backlinks too, and alot of them if possible!

i have been using social media, Youtube and flickr, tell me how to use DIgg and Twitter for maximum advantage?

When search engines calculate the relevance of a site to a keyword, they consider the number of QUALITY inbound links to that site. So we should not be satisfied with merely getting inbound links, it is the quality of the inbound link that matters.Search engines want websites to have a level playing field, and look for natural links built slowly over time. While it is fairly easy to manipulate links on a web page to try to achieve a higher ranking, it is a lot harder to influence a search engine with external backlinks from other websites.

not only the amount of backlinks but also their quality (pagerank, number of outgoing links,anchor text etc)

Search engine often use the number of backlinks that a website has as one of the most important factors for determining that website's search engine ranking

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i think the good quality back link is very useful and important.

But somtime back link will give you problem ?

Quality back links always help a lot in bringing PR. Thanks

Backlinks are incoming links to a website. It may be coming to any page of your site.

yes comments posting on dofollow blogs & forums produce backlinks

Do follow backlink is very important

A good no. of backlink shows the popularity of the website in search engine.

I find posting comments in Q&A sites such as Fluther very effective in generating backlinks for my sites. Choose the ones that accept dofollow sigs.


Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. In the search engine optimization (SEO) world, the number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page.


Backlinks can dictate that a site is good because another site is pointing to it. This can be done on your own like social bookmarking and article submissions.

Also, having a press release for your site can easily start a spark of traffic going to it.

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