Do you use Google Caffeine? Did you notice a difference in your search results? Or most importantly, will you optimized your website differently for Google Caffeine?


In face of increasing competition, Google has unveiled 'secret project' called Google Caffeine.

Right now, I'm just playing with it over the last couple of days and I observed major ranking difference for many keywords.

i have tried it, but i don't think it made any difference.. Does anyone knows what will make cafeine better that the current search engine.. i'm just curious..

i have tried it, but i don't think it made any difference.. Does anyone knows what will make cafeine better that the current search engine.. i'm just curious..

I noticed that too. Google Caffeine normally shows the same results as the current search engine, although they were in a different order.

Look hundreds of updates like the Caffeine projects have been regularly undergoing on and around the net regarding how Google has been fixing its ranking algorithm so nothing strange has happened.

but, some site positions has go down, does any one got a clue how to optimize the cafeine?


Some times we observer big ranking fluctuation in Google for specific keywords but I have found steady ranking in Google Caffeine.

The new architecture is said to include size, indexing, speed, accuracy and ranking changes and Google is asking searchers to give it a try it and report their feedback.

While the version is still a pre-beta release at, you can test the old Google against the new for yourselves at

commented: Thanks for sharing the link. +2

Google has decided to push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions. So we have done a series of test with common search query “Google”. On the basis of it, we have put a comparison of Google Caffeine and current Google search algorithm.

Source from:

i never heard about google caffeine, can you give me the link?

The new infrastructure may include ways of crawling the web more comprehensively, determining reputation and authority (possibly beyond the link graph and what’s typically thought of as PageRank), and returning more relevant results more quickly, although Google’s Matt Cuttssaid that the changes are “primarily in how we index”.

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