what is better: PPC or SEO?

What do you think?

It depends. If you want to try your hand at SEO then, because it would be free, it would be better and long lasting (if done correctly). A PPC campaign could be your solution too but it will cost you money and whenever you decide to stop the campaign so stops your web presence in the search engine results pages.

Hiring a search engine optimizer I would think would not usually be a great experience for innocent, vulnerable website owners because there seems to be many SEOs around lately who actually have no SEO skills at all however insane that sounds.

actually i have a slightest idea about it. however i wanted to get other perspective from other experienced individual in this line of business
i would like to share the site were i read the sessions from other experienced professionals hope you like it... www webpronews com/topnews/2009/12/09/whats-better-ppc-or-seo

thanks for your answer i appreciate it.

no problem.. good luck selling online. Let us know how it works out for ya! ;)

I think While a PPC campaign can deliver traffic with relative ease, it can be very costly and has no real longevity, once you stop shelling out the cash, the traffic goes away. SEO and link building require a lot more creative effort but can have more sustainable results.

PPC is costly So SEO is Best

SEO and link building require a lot more creative effort but can have more sustainable results. and ppc is mch costly than seo so i think both are equally important in there own places.

Pay per click (PPC) advertising is a way to get your ads displayed at the top of search engine inquiries quickly. With PPC advertising, you can control when and where your ads appear as well as the maximum cost you're willing to spend for each click.

SEO is the best way to promote the website and generate huge traffic is complete on Page SEO and Off page SEO, it take long time but not spend much money.

To summarize everything you all said, PPC can give you quick and fast results however you spend more, while as with SEO it takes a long time to get the results but it is cos efficient.

thank you everybody who shared their ideas and views about this topic. I really appreciate it...

no problem.. good luck selling online. Let us know how it works out for ya! ;)

thanks a lot.. i will soon let you know how it works since i am starting with PPC.

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