Hello friends,

After submitting my websites to social bookmarking sites for a few months, I have gained some experiences about popular and not-too-popular social bookmarking sites.

Popular social bookmarking sites are not better than new social bookmarking sites.


When I submit one link to a popular one like digg.com, my link is nowhere in the next few minutes. The new or not-too-popular social bookmarking sites have my link there for a few hours or few days.

My link is easily indexed if I submit to old social bookmarking sites.

I hope I am not wrong.

Any idea is appreciated.


All forms of traffic building can be useful but it would be a mistake simply focusing on the social bookmarking portals for building traffic for the websites.

Digg like sites will help to index faster, the new sites as you told having your link on top indicates it wasn't used by others.

You have to take into consideration each site's PR and dofollow/nofollow status. That's the only way you could be sure that any links on them would be of value toyou

You have to take into consideration each site's PR and dofollow/nofollow status. That's the only way you could be sure that any links on them would be of value toyou

i disagree.. relevant citations can provide value regardless of toolbar pagerank and nofollow status.

you may be top on not popular book marking sites, also they will provide less traffic, but sites like digg will provide you more traffic.

thanks everybody, great useful information, i also reccomend local websites

It's all dependent on the PR of the social site as well as whether it is dofollow.

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