I'm in need of opinions. I currently have several low-traffic Dutch websites, all equipped with an RSS feed built by me. Would it be better for my sites if I promote the feeds at FeedBurner instead of the current on-site ones ? Does it matter for SEO ? Any other benefits or drawbacks ? Of course FeedBurner has extras like statistics, smart feed, email subscriptions and AdSense, which would be helpful anyway. So bottom line, do I need to switch to it ?

I feel that promoting RSS feeds via these re-publishing systems have little direct SEO benefit as they are just creating duplicate content.

However they do create new avenues for people to find your website.

FeedBurner provides all of the extra statistics and also gives you the option to use AdSense for Feeds to make money through your RSS feeds. Unless they are well syndicated, it probably won't be a whole lot of revenue. But it's an option.

Thank you both for responding. I'll close it for now. If I can find the original article again, I'll come back...

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