I came across a new script that supposedly works magic on your page ranking within search engines. The script description is below. Has anybody here tried such a script?

This script is intended for automated grab and placement of the most recently popular keywords into metadata of your site. Thus rising up relevance of your site in search engine systems and Page Rank in Google. This system is fully automated. Once adjusted for the grab from the most popular keywords ratings the system will save the keywords over and over again in your DB independently, according to the main settings. That is how it works: * Script grabs the page with recently published best keywords. * It operates with the keywords: removes repeated keywords, filters “useless keywords(Ex: xxx, porn), adds constant keywords and saves them into your DB. * Every time you refer to the page it shows you at random the keywords saved in your DB.

IMHO, even though I never tried the product, if it seems too good to be true - it probably is. I use Wordtracker & the YSM Keyword tool for keyword research.

I just go for a particular keyword and then work it into the Title, Header, H1, H2 and the body of the text as much as possible. You want to make sure you are not Google-bombing. Make it readable and logical and the search engines will appreciate it.

Also, anchor text with that keyword in it back to your site also works wonders.

If you go after a lot of different keywords, you may endup not ranking well in any of them.

Good luck.

If all the tool is doing is adding keywords to the keywords meta tag, it's probably useless. None of the major search engines pay attention to the keywords meta tag any more.

If it's adding random keywords to a content area on a page, it will probably degrade the professionalism of the site. I've seen some tools that stuff keywords into the footer on each page. It looks confusing to users, and if the text is hidden, it could get the site penalized.

I agree with Avi that Wordtracker and the YSM keyword tool are the best tools or keyword research. I use them both and you can learn a lot about how people search.

You should determine a keyword theme for almost every page in your site and then work those words into the proper page elements.

None of the major search engines pay attention to the keywords meta tag any more.

Really? Interesting.

That's not just my opinion. You'll find that documented in literally thousands of articles and forum postings.

I've been doing SEO since 1998 and it's common knowledge. The keywords meta tag was so heavily abused that the search engines just improved their methods for determining the keyword theme for a page and the larger engines now ignore it completely. The last major player known to use it was AltaVista (who?). Believe it or not, AltaVista was the big dog before Google came along.

Some of the smaller search engines are still believed to use the tag, but in order for it to have any effect at all, the words in the meta tag MUST appear on the page.

Agreed... and stay away from any "get rankings quick" schemes as most of user nefarious tactics which will get you banned from google, et. al.

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