please suggest me how i can get more baclinks ib my web. please someone give me list of backlink based pr5-8 site

Try to be listed by DMOZ, and you will automatically get good backlinks.

You mention PR5-8 sites, which mean that you are aiming pretty high. What is important in terms of link quality is that the page on that site have high PR.

One of my favorite methods for getting high PR links is to guest post on high PR blogs. The upside is that most blog owners hate having to write posts on a daily basis and view a guest post as a day off, so it's an easy sell..

The downside is that once that post drops off the front page of the site, eventually Google's spider will notice and the link value will be reevaluated.

There are many way to get good backlink but if you get back link form min pr 5 then do socialbookmarking and write article and submit into article directory

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