My own web directory is now PR 1. Earlier it was unranked. So, you guys are welcome to submit your website link to my directory. But remember to read the "Rules and Regulation" before posting and don't spam or your post will never be published. In "full description" body of submission page, please write at least 350 words for faster submission.

Free web directory submission: www(dot)directory(dot)seo-service-provider(dot)org

I would like to submite my site to your directory is it free ?

There are many free directory submission sites. And all those give a back link for you. But getting too many backlinks is equal to only one listing in the open directory like DMOZ. Listing in DMOZ directory gives you a valid backlink.
The other free directory submission sites are:
Business Web Directory
Free Web Directory
Free Internet Directory
Add Your Link
Directory Gator
Instant approval directory

Some times back I used to work on these directories but later I came to know posting URLs to these directories are of no use. Only one directory, dmoz is equal to every directories we see on forums. So..write content and start a blog...modify your websites with several content and that will invite google bot to your website.

Yes only dmoz seems to work.Most of the directories are general in scope and list websites across a wide range of categories, regions and languages. But some niche directories focus on restricted regions, single languages, or specialist sectors. They sometimes turn in gold.

I don't know why I received infraction from canadafred? I thought this post would help many members to submit their website link into my directory. My directory is free, so I shared my directory link here but got infraction! Okay, I am off from this forum.

i think we should all go for the Demoz Submissions... without it you won't get the best link from directory.

Thanks for shared great list of directory sites.That's really great collection of directory sites..

we would love to submit our site to your directory list..
but let me if that would not count a black hat seo practise by my site..
because i think we shoul submit our site to high pr rank directories like Dmoz and other unless it is considered to be a black hat seo practise..!

Free Directory Submission list is here

Hi jeffrey, thanks to share such a useful informtaion on directories. Which is very helpful to me..

this is really apperciatable work that you have improved your rank. and dont want spammers and thanks for sharing your directory site with us.

Thanks jeffreydominic. It will be more helpful if it gives me valid links.

Thanks for the list Jeffery. Working on it now.

One question... after submitting, a lot of these directories ask if you'd like to submit your site to like 200 or so search engines. Do you guys think these services are any good?

Your directory is really awesome and it worth to be added in top directory list. I will surely use your web directory for submission of My websites.

Hello Jeffery,

I have just checked your directory. Seems a lot of good categories on it. I shall submit my site, thanks.

Atleast provide free listings for a year or life time. charge for pro listings for sticky listings otherwise no one would like to post their web site on your directory.

Kind Regards

Thanks for sharing those directories. Those would definitely be useful to every web user.

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