hi every one
i have big problem my web site suddenely the total number of visitor had been decline very very greed and really i don know what should i do to fix this problem as i think i d?o every thing required to make the right seo plan but its seems that it didnt wortit
so please Advise

As the number of visitosr been declining steadily over time, or did you suddenly lose all of your traffic literally overnight (to where you can pinpoint it to an exact time)?

just check your content quality. r u using quality content. mostly website having low quality or duplicate contents have lost their traffic.

no it just happen suddenely and my all topic its exculisve and have high quality i think this due to the update created by google so i want to now when goole used to run this kind of update

many people has got this type of problem. They suddently drop their traffic. you are not a single effected person. still the reason could not be find. but a latest update from google is a reason

As a few others suggested, can you pinpoint a source of the lost traffic? Was it Google? If so, do you build any links? You could also check your outlinks to make sure you aren't linking to a bad site.

Check the details of your website in Google webmaster tool. try to do maximum social bookmarking, artcles submissions, blog comments to get more traffic on your website.

You can also check Google webmaster tool and specially manual action tab in webmaster tool.

Make a complete analysis of your website and find our the problem arises. than you have to take proper action for that.

thanks guys i really appreciate the support
and now i see some good progress in the number of vistors but the problem in the suddenly appreance of 404 error pages as i did received a lot of mails from google told me about the problem specificaly to make the site show 404 re-direct pages for any error page or not exist but i want to know the reason behind showing this mesage

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