One of my client he have a domain whcih is from the last 9 years. Now I have desinged the website for him and need to host the website. But his all social media urls are examplemobile. I have suggested to him we can better purchase the domain which is availabe for purhcase.

If we boghuth this domain it will effect the SEO ranking.

I heared that old domain have more imporant than newly purhcased domain, Is it true ?

This domian .ae it will icluded in the domain age calculation of SEO Bots.

To the topic question the answer is yes. But it's one of many factors and debateable exactly how important.

You wrote "SEO Bots." For most there is just one, which is Google. What other bots or rather ranking systems are you referring to?

Domain age plays a big role in SEO directly because it tells Google that the website has been around awhile, and is most likely a legitimate company, and not a fly-by-night temp site or "doorway page".

Indirectly, domain age is probably one of the most important, if not the most important, factors in SEO, because the longer a domain has existed, the more people have found it and shared it on their social media, the more other webpages have most likely been linking to it over time, and the more backlinks it has built up.

As you point out, all of his social media URLs are one thing. Whatever they are, don't change the domain from that. Those social media links are essentially vouches for the domain that it's been around awhile, people are talking about it, and it's a real company. Destroying that can be a real killer to the company's long term gains.

Good luck!

Yes, URL age has some importance to get ranking in the SERP if your article fullfilled others criteria propery. URL age help to increase UA or UR. UA is defined by MOZ, It's mean URL Authority. otherside, UR is defined by Ahrefs, it's mean URL Ratings. You can learn more from here all about SEO & digital marketing related terms.

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