Hi, I just got an e-mail from Google stating that...

Um die Qualitaet unserer Suchmaschine sicherzustellen, haben wir bestimmte Webseiten zeitlich befristet aus unseren Suchergebnissen entfernt. Zurzeit sind Seiten von www.xxx.com fuer eine Entfernung ueber einen Zeitraum von wenigstens 30 Tagen vorgesehen.

Wir haben auf Ihren Seiten insbesondere die Verwendung folgender Techniken

*Seiten wie z. B. xxx.com, die zu Seiten wie z. B.
http://www.xxx.com/index.htm mit Hilfe eines Redirects weiterleiten, der nicht mit unseren Richtlinien konform ist.

In English:
... at the moment pages from xxx.com are planned to ban for at least 30 days.... We found the usage of the following technique: Pages like xxx.com, which redirect to pages like http://www.xxx.com/index.htm with a redirect not conforming to our guidelines.

Now we do not have a page like index.htm, everything is .html. What we do is a redirect from xxx.at and xxx.de to xxx.com either with a 301 redirec or directly by the ISP.

The pages are still in the index, if I react fast, can I avoid the to be banned?

And: Where could be the problem? We have not changed anything in the last months. A 301 redirect should be safe. Can a redirect by the ISP be unsafe?



Well, you're already banned. All you can do is fix the error and apply for reinclusion. You can do that through their webmaster tools.

As for the problem, apparently you have redirects that look like doorway pages to them. You need to find them and remove them.

hmmm. The pages are still in google. How long until they will be gone normally?

A 301 redirect is safe, or not?

If yes that leaves only the redirect done by the ISP. We had a website with .de earlier and we used .htm pages there. When the ISP is doing a redirect from .de to our .com site and the user wanted to go to .de/index.htm he is now redirected to .com/index.htm. which will not be found because everything is named .html now.

Can that be the reason? If I make a index.htm page with a 301 to index.html would that help?

Thanks for help

To be honest I think the email you received is a phishing email (spam). 301 redirects are perfectly safe and won't get you banned. Google is not going to randomly send an email out to sites that are banned unless it's a reply to a query you emailed them. Also, if your site really is still in google, then you're not banned.

Google also wouldn't include links to X-rated sites in emails they send out :)

Google also wouldn't include links to X-rated sites in emails they send out :)

Thanks for you input. But, no. The sitename is not xxx, is is eco-call. I put xxx in because you wrote not to mention sitenames

commented: Thanks for reading board rules, not may people do. +16

Just got a second mail with same content. That made me suspicious. I checked and yes: It is only a hoax, the first one I ever falled for.

Thanks for your help, anyway. :-)


Recently someone has been sending out fake emails in german! Now to test it go to google and type in site:<your site name>

If I got that email I think I would have gotten extremely upset. Good thing it wasnt true, however, now we all have to beawre of scammers!! They are everywhere. What would these people get out of telling you your site was banend anyhow?

Thanks for you input. But, no. The sitename is not xxx, is is eco-call. I put xxx in because you wrote not to mention sitenames

Oh, my mistake. :)

If I got that email I think I would have gotten extremely upset. Good thing it wasnt true, however, now we all have to beawre of scammers!! They are everywhere. What would these people get out of telling you your site was banend anyhow?

Probably just meant to be a practical joke.

So funny.... :(

Great answer from great contributor can really help others. Thanks for your inputs.

I agree, I never heard of something like this... that google will send an email to a site they ban... sounds a bit fishy to me.

that google will send an email to a site they ban... sounds a bit fishy to me.

Yes, your right it's sounds a bit fishy.

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