OK so I have a legitimate site that receives 150 unique visitors a day. Problem is 25% comes from 1 source, 25% comes from another source and the rest is random. I have been working on my SEO for months but am lackins quality backlinks, therfore have a low google PR. Any feedback or success stories when it comes to quality link buildng?

You need to focus on off page optimization, only it can help you to increase traffic to your site

The fact that you're getting a good amount of your traffic from external sources is a good start. It means that you are starting to get other sites linking to you. Build up relationships with other sites that cover similar topics to your own but aren't your competition. Not only will you get traffic from each site, but it'll raise your Google pagerank as well. It's never good to have all your eggs in one basket.

I think you should optimize few effective keywords and promote it effectively. You should also go on adding fresh content.


I would suggest to use web2.0 sites like hubpages and squidoo. Those sites are also quite great resources to get some quality backlinks.

150 unique visitors per day is a good start. If you already done with on-page optimization, then you now focus on off-page optimization. Get more backlinks, much better if you can get backlinks from sites with pr already.

Add more quality contents to your site. Content is always king. Build quality links by doing forum posting, social bookmarking, article submission and exchanging links with relevant sites with high PR and traffic.

do some social bookmarking service
build your links in do-follow blog
and add your link to forum signature
yahoo answer
try to make your link everywhere
so your website pr will up

There are more reasons we can say for this case. Use dofollow forum,blog comments to build back links,Distribute your website into more directories to get more targeted customers.Social bookmarking will help you to get good google rank.Now a days social media promotion and social networking gets more preference in SEO.

Tap to your niche!!
If you have a B-2-B site, tap to those professional social networks, like LinkedIn. Answer questions and include your company's name and url on your profile. Create a page for your company. LinkedIn has a very PR.

I'm Currently recieving almost 300 unique vistors a day, I'm also in the market to exchange links.. My sight is also legit, No false advertisement.. So if any one can help it would be greatly appreciated! And I've Learned there are ways to increase your pr, But you have to pay!!!!!!!

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