Hi, We have launched a new website, viz., http://www.plussizebeauties.com. It was launched in May 2009. I want to know how can I set goal settings in Google Analytics. I request someone who knows the details.

Thx in advance


Generally speaking, setting up google analytics is simple. It only needs a piece of JS code you can copy from your analytics account with google!

Thank you for the info. I will try that and confirm once it is done.

Get your google Analytics account which is completeely free. Setup your site for analytics and get it verifed by pplacing the code in your site and you are done. Nothing to hard.

Once you set your account you can setup goals. According to FAQ's - A goal is a website page which a visitor reaches once they have made a purchase or completed another desired action, such as a registration or download. Before Google Analytics can calculate goal conversion metrics, you must define one or more goals.

You may want to check out this article to get better understanding about how to setup goals - http://analytics.blogspot.com/2009/05/how-to-setup-goals-in-google-analytics.html

Dont forget to add the code to every page you want to track and determine which actions you want to measure as a conversion.

Hi, We have launched a new website, viz., http://www.plussizebeauties.com. It was launched in May 2009. I want to know how can I set goal settings in Google Analytics. I request someone who knows the details.

Thx in advance


This is really simple to use .just follow the simple steps:

1. go to the http://www.google.com/analytics/
2. login with a google account
3. Go to the new website and add the website then you will get a unique code which you need to put in each page of your website
4. then verify the website
5. once website is verified. go in to the foal section and select add new goal

6. here you need to put the url of your goal page and then add it

this way you can add the goal

I sincerely thank every one of you who has given me valuable replies to my post. I would definitely try and set up the goal conversion today itself. I would also confirm whether I was able to set up the goal conversion.

Thanks again


easy and free, just follow the simple instruction after u creat the account

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