I don't know why adsnense stopped show ads on my site: www.productsherbal.com, may be it only for me ?
Adsense for search also didn't work:
http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-8100047273118997%3A8n9g2z-171v&ie=UTF-8&q=health&sa=Search ... forbidden.

I login to adsense account, all right.
Maybe technical problem ?
any advice please

If you have not broken any policies of Google

Like clicking on your own ads .... ect

Then its probably technical

I reviewed your HTML

It seems to contain the google ad sense code
SO no problem there

Maybe you should refresh it

Remove it and insert it again
Might work

If it does not try contacting Google support team

thanks for advice, i try it

It's really scary when it happens... Right...

Placing adsense code in between post may violate google TOS. Maybe, you could check that??

hope help!:D:D

I have the same problem.. ads are not appearing in some pages, just blank..

My site: http://www.amartorrent.tk/

user: test
pass: 123456

Ads showing in(sometime shows, sometime doesn't),

Not Showing,

Interesting part is ads are appearing,

But not appearing,


Plz check and reply me...

AdSense ads show up blank on pages that are blocked with a robots.txt file, contain illegal/pornographic/etc content, and a couple of other stipulations that Google places. Also be sure you have an appropriate backfill set up in your AdSense settings.

If you have been applying Google's AdSense on your pages you of course really feel the really need to somehow produce much more website traffic for the web-site, which in turn would translate to extra AdSense click and also a larger earnings. Somehow if you have broken link of adsense possibly your adsense will not appear just try creating some generator in making your adsense ads, simply clicking link below will help you to fix it out your adsense account. I read this site when I encounter the same problem as yours. I follow the step of the site then probably help fix mine. http://webspromotetraffic.blogspot.com/2012/06/seo-for-adsens.html

Have you check other sites of you are showing ads or not.If yes then your site contain any stop words.

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