I think that technology has made it easier for us to use and access social media all of the time. I remember back in the old days, I will only use my AOL email after work hours. Now I can check it anytime!!

I will confess to using it during work hours occasionally but I have really curtailed my use because it was getting to be a bit addictive. Now I use Digsby, which is a great took for monitoring e-mail and social media without opening a browser. I can check my e-mails and incoming messages and if there is no compelling reason to go on I don't.

I use it often. With the internet being readily accessible through laptops, notebooks and iphones, it became a part of my daily routines.

Okay, so being connected to social media is now an omnipresent part of our lives. My question now - I wonder how being connected to social media affects productivity?

It depends on the person. If you have discipline then you will be able to prioritize and make good choices. If not, you could end up tweeting from the unemployment office.

To address the ominpresence of social media, it only is if we allow it to be. I am upgrading my phone and I am seriously considering a flip phone with no web access. If I limit myself to making phone calls and text it is one more way that I exert self control.

Yes I am like that as well which is why I did not get an IPhone. I have a friend who have an IPhone with all the bells and whistles of social media - including tweet deck and much more.

I use it very much...its quite like a part of my routine...not that am addicted to it..but definitely fascinated

Social Media is more than just being geeky and gossip. It's used for marketing subliminally. Large corporations like Pepsi etc know this and are serious about appearing to be geeky but make subliminal sales pitches on "Social Media."

I confess. I use it for marketing purposes. I'm slightly ashamed of myself.

Social Media is more than just being geeky and gossip. It's used for marketing subliminally. Large corporations like Pepsi etc know this and are serious about appearing to be geeky but make subliminal sales pitches on "Social Media."

I confess. I use it for marketing purposes. I'm slightly ashamed of myself.

There's no need to feel ashamed. Thousands of companies use social media outlets to increase awareness and visibility for their brand. Quite frankly, i think it is silly not to. :)

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