I am looking to start an online discussion board for parents in the Milwaukee, WI area. I am looking for ideas and suggestions on a cool, memorable name.

Help? TIA.

I am looking to start an online discussion board for parents in the Milwaukee, WI area. I am looking for ideas and suggestions on a cool, memorable name.

Help? TIA.

Hey I have an idea!

You know how on the Viagara commercials lately one guy always says something like "We used to take a lot of long strowls, until we found Viagra!"

Well you present the complete opposite perspective; you use the Reverse Viagra Approach. All over the splash page you tout the online community's motto: "We used to have earth-shattering, primordial sex excessively until we started shooting the shit with other similarily disfunctional parents!"

Whatchya' think?

Thanks for the reply. Although it sounds funny, that is not exactly the message I want.

But, thanks.

Thanks for the reply. Although it sounds funny, that is not exactly the message I want.

But, thanks.

No no no no no no wait.

We'll change the message entirely!

Better yet you change the whole thing from top to bottom.

See, this is want you want. Modify the template.

OK so what do you need?
- an image
- a brand
- an optimized web site
- maybe a little social hype to get started

Look at what I offered you as being like a free Internet marketing template.

I'll get you started and then you'll have to figure the rest out as you go.

Start easy, try modifying the "motto" to suit. You'll have to completely change the story leading into establishing your purpose. You might have to come up with some marketing skills now and then too. Try marketing angles, ie my Reverse Establishment Approach I used in my marketing conceptualization exercise. Oh and your homepage, it's gonna' be splashed with happy faced but oddly gendered couples of varying obesity all rarin' to go like it was Sunday mornin'.

Whatchya' think about that?

I recommend developing a list of names associated with your business and then go to domain.com site and put your names, sometimes suggested names pop up and its a good way to generate some names.

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