Our site is popular, PR4, >200,000 views a month, Alexa 411,000 that is improving by 50,000 a month. Our SEO is also very good.

We are just starting to see income, but we definitely need better monetization.

We have Google Adsense and Search, Banner Connect, a few text links and article with advertisers' links.

Can anybody recommend me sources/ideas for improving the monetization of our site? We want the site to be free.

Would love to hear some good sound advise.

Many Thanks,


P.S. We don't like affiliate programs. They don't work for us-Income from affiliates after long trial...................... 0.0$

Really,Your site is popular and good.

In my niche, contextual ads have worked the best, followed by text link ads. I’ve never been successful with affiliate marketing.

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