I am going to post this again. Still not sure if this is the rite spot. I have been in a MLM company for a few months now. And I am really starting to get the hang of working leads. But, good leads coast an arm and leg. Real time leads costs $4-6 a pop. And still being real time. I still get some people that. Say they have no clue what I am talking about when I call them. So I am going to have a lead capture site. It’s not going to have anything about the company. It’s just meant to catch there eye. And build them up a little and dump them rite into the survey. So, I can give them a call and do the selling. I really have no clue what to except from this site. But, if I spent $50 on say 10,000 hits. And get leads at a 1% rate. I will be doing a lot better then what I am paying now. I have been reading posts on the site for an hour or so. And I am going to keep going. I would love for someone to step in. And give me a list of things to look for. And things to avoid. And even tell me what I can expect. My site should be up and running over the next few days. I will post it as soon as it’s done. Thanks for your time. Steve316

You can try looking at www.salesgenie.com (i think thats the URL). I believe you get a good amount of leads for $250/month.

Thanks for the reply. But, my question is more about buying traffic for my site. But, I will be sure to cheak out the link. Steve316

No problem.

If you want to buy traffic for your site, well, I'd go with Google Adwords. You can definitely buy some traffic there.

Thanks for the second tip. And after looking at that site. It may be something I try down the road. But, for now I am looking to buy some traffic. And try not to get ripped off. There are a lot of things I am not sure about. Pop under? Backdoor traffic? Bots? I just won’t to by some traffic. And make sure people really see the site. With what I am trying to do. I would only need a 1% turnaround to come out ahead. Its going to hard to target opportunity leads. So with a 10,000 hits. I would be happy with 100 leads. Anything more then that is gravy.

Thanks for the second tip. And after looking at that site. It may be something I try down the road. But, for now I am looking to buy some traffic. And try not to get ripped off. There are a lot of things I am not sure about. Pop under? Backdoor traffic? Bots? I just won’t to by some traffic. And make sure people really see the site. With what I am trying to do. I would only need a 1% turnaround to come out ahead. Its going to hard to target opportunity leads. So with a 10,000 hits. I would be happy with 100 leads. Anything more then that is gravy.

May I ask what type of a site you are working with? It also depends on your budget of course.

As a side note, I would strongly discourage you from doing anything that has to do with any sort of pop-ups or pop-unders. They are always annoying and are perceived as spam. People just tend to close them right away.

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