so pls rely my question ... Fast pls give me a your suggestion ...

Facebook is a good social networking site having millions of visitors. You can increase your website traffic by Facebook but it will help to increase your website referral traffic.

Facebook is one of the Best Social Networking site, which is used worldwide. There is number of users using Facebook for sharing their post. This will help you to get organic traffic on your site

Facebook is a popular social media site which is used by plenty of world wide internet freaks. When you start using it in a right way, it will start giving you a good amount of traffic.

well Facebook is for sure a big network and have million in-fact Billion of users so if you come up with proper framework and strategy you can have visitors towards your site as well.
just define your Niche and work on it on regular basis, like interact, comment and many other things you can do on the Facebook.

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