SEO is a kind of technique by which it is posible to increase the rank of a website & it is a great technique to increase the visitor of a site. So we can say that it is a system by which the information of a site can be reached the interested visitors.

There are two types of SEO:-

1> White Hat SEO
2> Black Hat SEO

If you would like to improve your Serp Ranking than follow:-

1> On Page
2> Off Page

On Page Optimization:
a> Content Optimization
b> Title Optimization
c> Site Loading Page time optimization
d> Meta keyword optimization
e> Internal Linking
f> URL Optimization
g> XML sitemap.robot.txt,canonicalization etc

Off Page Optimization:
a) Press Release Submission
b) Article Directory Submission
c) Web 2.0 posting
d) Social Bookmarking
e) Directory Submission
f) Rss,Video,gust posting,blog comments etc


These type of SEO techniques really good.and i think On page and off page optimization mostly works.

Different types of SEO techniques are below :
SEO is two types: Onpage and offpage
Offpage techniques :
Directory submission
Ping submission
Blog commenting
Article posting
Directory submission

Amoung white hat SEO and Black Hat SEO we want to follow White Hat SEO method anyhow our outputs are slow we should not follow Black Hat SEO techniques even it gives immediate output

Off page and on page seo this are the two seo techniques to increase the website backlinks.And black hat seo, white hat seo and grey hat seo this are the three hats of seo based upon the quality of website.

seo is stand for search engine optimization. It is the technique to improving our website. They have 2 types of technique on page and off page

Black hat techniques if done too much it will harm your site. But a little of black hat will do good to your site.

RH calvin would you please share with us any link or any site names from where we can get the tutorials or suggestions about the activities that you enlisted. It would be great then. Thakns

SEO is the method or way to improve your site visibility on internet. To improve site visibility, we need to optimize website so that it is more user friendly and follow search engine guidelines. Then comes link building activities to get links from different websites.

useful information are shared by all of you..

Wasik, I will highly recommend you please read moz blogs and their guides for better understanding of SEO and all the latest updates.

I hope This will help you.

I will go with White Hat SEO technique, as per the penguin guidelines. SEO mostly use white hat techniques to optimize website as per the google guidelines.

Every SEO mostly go for White Hat SEO techniques to get your website on top 10 positions. Stay tuned to every google updates and plan your startegy after that updates.

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