I have website of Online Classified services. How can, I have to promote my website?

Promote it in social media,through blogging,submitting press releases and business listings.

you can permote your website through different ways.
listed in classified directories
submit link different website
give banner adds different target websites
press releas

You can go with PPC.

Hi @kwik003!
Social Networking is the great way to start promoting your website since alot of people use it nowadays. You may also do SEO,blog commenting, forum posting, book marking, etc.

Patience is a must because it takes a lot of time in promoting a website. Unless you are willing to spend money on your promotion then go for PPC advertising.

Goodluck! :)

just there are two way you can make your site promete one is ppc and cpa .
and do best seo else hire some good seo seriveces. its help you.

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