I am running an online store and I want to attract customers attention towards my website. Please provide some ideas.

Hi @James Gordon!

Here are some ideas on how to attract customers towards your website:

Let search engines know.
Submit your websites to the 3 major search engines such as Yahoo, Google and Bing.

Let people know.
Let your friends on facebook. twitter and other networking sites know about your website. You may also offer them your products and services through email. But make sure not to spam people.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
This is how your website will be found in major search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Hope this would help you. Goodluck! :)

Don't forget to write content!! Search engines love continuous fresh new content. 1 - 1500 word relevant blog post a week will definitely help; 3 - 1500 word relevant blog posts will help you rock the SERPs.

According to me if you wants to attract customers to your website then you need to share the website information and product publicly on social networking website. which help yoou to gain the user attention. if the users like your post then they visit your wbeiste and help to earn and also increase business sales.

Recently, I have hired a SEO expert team to write articles and blogs about my store products. But its not give the expected result.

I have created Facebook page for my website. I think I have to create an account in LinkedIn. Am I correct?

How recently have you hired this 'expert team' and what promises did they make? You are not going to see immediate results, it takes time to build your traffic organically.

Two months back I hired some SEO professional team for my website. I know SEO is a long term porcess and we can get the expected result after 6 or 7 months. But now I need to improve my business.

Ofcourse , it takes some more months to get the organic results .

If you need the traffic now; then I'd suggest doing a PPC campaign through adwords. A well targetted PPC program may get you the results now until the SEO results begin to show up.

Also be cautious of anyone who calls themselves an SEO professional. Those are few and far between.

Hello friends,
Thanks for the useful tips.


The all business success is based on the customer's satisfaction. customer is the king of the every business.You have to attrack the customer means provide the offering facilities and credit sales.

Give the advertisment in banners,tv radios etc.
Give offering facilities
online sale facilities
quality product and cheap rate
To give the sample to the customers

You could consider a little inbound marketing. Add an item of value to your site and have a e-mail collector on it. Send out special member e-mails and you can grow your return vistiors that way. It takes some time to gain ground but it can work.

There are lots of paid and organic options to attract customers at your ecommerce store such as Facebook advertising, Google PPC, Conversion optimization, website optimization, content marketing, affiliate marketing , influence marketing etc. I advice to hire professional consultant for internet marketing.

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