We are looking for a company that will do site advertisement space sales to on a commission basis. They sell ads space on our site and take a percentage off the top.

Any ideas?

What company is daniweb using to do their ad space sales and how is it working out for daniweb?


Check out all of the major advertising networks and agencies out there =


I have a more hands on approach to ad sales. While I do deal with some advertising agencies on a one-to-one basis, I also sell advertising directly. I'm currently in the middle of redoing my media kit, otherwise I would send you a link to it. I'll try to remember to update this thread by the end of the week.

You are a life saver!

I will also look into that.


There are a lot of good advertising and marketing companies,who marketing and advertise for your better business sales.You just need to contact them,you could search them online as well...

Gud luck!!!

sales marketing

sales outsourcing

Hello everyone.
thanks dani for sharing such a useful information.
keep sharing

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