What are the best strategies to do off-page optimization?
Would you please provide me sites that allows backlinks?

Thank you.

For the best strategies, I suggest you subscribe to the email newsletter at Outreach Mama. He gives some good tips. Check out Moz as well

As far as actual sites that allow backlinks, we no longer allow this to be posted because it has just gotten soooo soammy. Check out blackhatworld.com for lists.

Or, just google your site’s niche + “guest posting”.

Lol. Spammy.

commented: For moment I thought we were going back the distant past about a scene in "The Jolsen Story." Not P.C. +15

Well, off page is for sure half of SEO. OFF page link creation is majorly focused on guest posting. It is not just limited to guest posts but altogether like commenting, forums, directories, etc. The other links affects are minor still they are easy so if I have a thor in my team doesn't means I cannot have a clint or natasha in my team. (Refference of avengers)

Following are the best methods for off -page SEO
-Guest Posting
-Web 2.0 Submission
-Article ubmission

Blog Commenting
Guest posting
Article Submission
Forum Submission
Directory Submission

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