Currently, there are billions of marketers online who come up with different stratagem and methods to gather links from other sites. Do you think link baits will do in the presence of property market such as Costa Rica Real Estate?

it's really frustating about SEO things and how to increasing traffic bcoz it dont have exact method to do it. you just figure it out by yourself :)

the effective and easy way to use link bait is through adding of site links through your blog. but don't overuse the keywords because it is might cause keyword stuffing.

Another way to do local traffic generation can be through finding local directories and local publications that have web sites and provide free or paid listing. We use several in the Phoenix area, as well as local options in various cities and states around the US.

The best and cheapest ways for improving your site traffic according to me are:

1. Use personal contacts to spread word of mouth.
2. Use conventional methods of advertising
3. Use blogging to spread word about ur site
4. Submit to as many free directories as possible...
5. Use tools like Bookmark Submittor Pro to submit to multiple Social Bookmarking sites at once.

I hope you will find this information usefull.

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