Can anyone explain how to change the code in a form, so that when the viewers on the web site press the submit button it goes to someoneelses email. do i insert the <a href email code?

a bonus question, how do I set up a database for emails to go to a database?


Do you want the users to fill in a form, then when they press submit, the form sends to your mail?
If you do, i have no idea, but i'd thought you had to get some kind of program.
But all I know is the 'mailto', the user clicks it and they can send a email to you.(or someone else).
But try google anyway, or yahoo.

the form is in the dreamweaver program, thank you! do you know a tech how might be able to solve my problem in dreamweaver. I to know the html code for mail to: but unfortunaltly, I'm not sure where to put it.


your "bonus" question - you need to learn either PHP/ASP/JSP technology for on server side processing

people say dreamweaver is powerfull.but as i see ,i can not edit php in it.

people say dreamweaver is powerfull.but as i see ,i can not edit php in it.

You better to explain your statement

OK, the W3schools form is nice, but that's just a html. To send mail, you would need to use php, and that's means you need to use some real code (i.e. not dreamweaver). The obvious function for that would be mail().

Also, to put it into a database, you would want to know MySQL and how to make PHP interact with it.

OK, the W3schools form is nice, but that's just a html.

Big mistake to underestimating that website

To send mail, you would need to use php, and that's means you need to use some real code (i.e. not dreamweaver). The obvious function for that would be mail().

Incorrect on this one too. I can send email from HTML document if I wish so. However I would recommend to use other available technologies over simple HTML, as you said we can use PHP but also Java web services (JSP & servlets for start) or ASP and I'm sure you can use any other programming language as long you are able to plug it into your website

Also, to put it into a database, you would want to know MySQL and how to make PHP interact with it.

Other technologies beside PHP available too

If you just want to have the form mail the results to an e-mail account, add "" where the e-mail address is that of the account. This would be placed in the "action" property of the form.

If you just want to have the form mail the results to an e-mail account, add "" where the e-mail address is that of the account. This would be placed in the "action" property of the form.

If you can bother your self reading other people posts you would discover that I already said so in my one how to do it and you wouldn't just repeat already know fact ;)

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