Heya, i am creating a personal site using Microsoft Frontpage. To make the site more intersting i have added music .. But i know if i allow people to download it from my site it will be illegal. Can anyone help me and tell me how to make the music unavailable to download and to listen to ONLY?.


Use JavaScript for example

errrrrr giz a hand

function playSound(soundUrl)
	document.getElementById("sounds").src = soundUrl;

and something like

bgsound="javascript:playSound('song location')"

thank you for that :) I will copy in the HTML code later

please 'memba im not thick its just im 13 and still learning


Does'nt seem to work... im pretty new to using HTML could you give me any more advice or help?. It would be much appreciated


I'm confused. Anyone would be able to view the source of the HTML page, see the location of the sound file, and download it directly? You would need to stream media somehow ... a streaming server? I'm not exactly sure how it works :)

I'm confused. Anyone would be able to view the source of the HTML page, see the location of the sound file, and download it directly? You would need to stream media somehow ... a streaming server? I'm not exactly sure how it works :)

Yeah you can put in place a media player in your site so that the music/vid plays in it. I havent tried this to see if it stops ppl being able to download the music.

Do you even know what "downloading" is? (Sorry for being abrasive.) It is impossible for a user's computer to play the music that is on your server without having downloaded it first.

What you want is impossible.

Do you even know what "downloading" is? (Sorry for being abrasive.) It is impossible for a user's computer to play the music that is on your server without having downloaded it first.

What you want is impossible.

no, What i want is for people to open the music within the site and not be able to download it on their pc as downloading the music for free would be illegal....


Well, looks like this is going nowhere. Why ? :?:
Because you did not give us exact idea of what you whant. Through what I red in rest of posts I thing I know what you are looking for.

Check this website and tell me if is this what you are looking for


Press the button "Listen to ringtone"

what is that link that link is a link to phones... ringtones n stuff wtf ???

That is an example how it can be done. You dummy.

Press a button and woalaa music.

There been already 3 people which try to help you and still you did not state what exactly you whant

Next time please read full sugestion and not part of it!!!

Wow, calling someone a name is hardly productive.

You could try using Flash to play the music, but it is still cached. My suggestion is to not add music to your site. It will slow the load of the site down and likely annoy people who don't want to hear it.

If you insist on having music, let the user decide if they want to hear it, don't force it on them.

ok thanks for the advice :)

Since the music must be on the user's computer to be played, it must be downloaded.

There is no way to keep a smart user from finding the file the browser saved to their hard drive and copying it to another file.

Better to register your copyright, so if someone else steals your creation, you can sue.

If it's not your music, and it is not in the public domain, you are infringing if you use it in your site, whether they save the file or not.

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