I can not get any of my links to work. the tabs should go to the correct page and the links at the bottom should go to the correct page.




   New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML 5th Edition
   Tutorial 2
   Review Assignment

   CAMshots Photo Contest

   Filename:         contest.htm
   Supporting files: contest0.jpg, thumb1.jpg - thumb9.jpg

   <title>CAMshots Photo Contest</title>

   <div><img src="assets/contest0.jpg" alt="Photo contest" usemap="#contestmap" style="border-width: 0"/>
	<map id="contestmap" name="contestmap">
	<area shape="ploy" coords="(457,84),(474,63),(549,63),(566,84)," href="pages/child.htm" alt="Child Photos"/>
	<area shape="ploy" coords="(455,84),(571,63),(646,63),(663,84)," href="pages/flower.htm" alt="Flowers Photos"/>
	<area shape="ploy" coords="(651,84),(668,63),(743,63),(760,84)," href="pages/scenic.htm" alt="Scenic Photos"/>
	<area shape="circle" coords="82,82, 78" href="contest.htm" alt="contest Results"/>

   <h1 style="color: blue">Contest Winners</h1>
   <p>Here are the results for this month's contest for best photos
      in the categories of <i>Child Photos</i>, <i>Flower Photos</i>, and
      <i>Scenic Photos</i>. I received hundreds of entries and it was 
      difficult to narrow the entries down to three in each category. Thanks to everyone
      who participated this month.</p>
   <p>Below are thumbnail images of the winning photos. You can click the
      photos to view larger images of each. These photos are distributed
      for non-commercial use. If you wish to obtain copies for commercial
      use, please contact the photographer.</p>
   <p>Next month's contest categories:</p>
      <li>Animal Photos</li>
      <li>Nighttime Photos</li>
      <li>Sports Photos</li>
   <p>Please submit your entries to
      <a href="mailto:ghayward@camshots.com?subject=photo%20contest"> Gerry Hayward.</a> </p>
      Include your name, the photo category, and the photo settings. JPEG photos only.
      Please keep the file size &lt; 100k. My mail server will reject photos larger
      than 100k. One entry per person please.
   <p><b>Attention</b>: Our friends at BetterPhoto.com
      are having their annual photo contest. Please take this opportunity
      to submit your work to their editors.</p>

   <p>&mdash; Gerry</p>

   <hr />

   <dt><a href="pages/child.htm"> Child Photos </a></dt>
      <img src="assets/thumb1.jpg" alt="child1" />
      <img src="assets/thumb2.jpg" alt="child2" />
      <img src="assets/thumb3.jpg" alt="child3" />
   <dt><a href="pages/flower.htm"> Flower Photos </a></dt>
      <img src="assets/thumb4.jpg" alt="flower1" />
      <img src="assets/thumb5.jpg" alt="flower2" />
      <img src="assets/thumb6.jpg" alt="flower3" />
   <dt><a href="pages/scenic.htm"> Scenic Photos </a></dt>
      <img src="assets/thumb7.jpg" alt="scenic1" />
      <img src="assets/thumb8.jpg" alt="scenic2" />
      <img src="assets/thumb9.jpg" alt="scenic3" />

   <hr />
      CAMshots ››› Tips and News from the World of Digital Photography



First of all, you don't need " /> " at the end of your image, area code so:

<area shape="ploy" coords="(457,84),(474,63),(549,63),(566,84)," href="pages/child.htm" alt="Child Photos">

<img src="assets/thumb9.jpg" alt="scenic3">

..should work fine.

Second, if "assets" is a folder in the same directory as your .html file, you should put


The ./ denotes "the current directory", i find that that the pages are more reliable with it, then without it.

Thirdly, you don't have to keep closing and opening your <p></p> for each section.
You can use <br> to add spaces.

Personally, I would always put stuff inside a <div>, i find it's just better to manage. i.e:

   <h1 style="color: blue">Contest Winners</h1>
   <p>Here are the results for this month's contest for best photos
      in the categories of <i>Child Photos</i>, <i>Flower Photos</i>, and


Your image map area shape "poly" is misspelt everywhere you use it. Try "poly" or "polygon" rather than "ploy". Also your coordiantes don't use ().

<area shape="ploy" coords="(457,84),(474,63),(549,63),(566,84)," href="pages/child.htm" alt="Child Photos"/>

should be

<area shape="polygon" coords="457,84,474,63,549,63,566,84," href="pages/child.htm" alt="Child Photos"/>

. Read this tutorial on Image Maps

Thirdly, you don't have to keep closing and opening your <p></p> for each section.
You can use <br> to add spaces

Actually, you should use the p tag to start and end paragraphs. The <br> tag has its purpose, but not for "creating" the illusion of the start of a new paragraph.
You can read more about that here: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/text.html#h-9.3

btw: WOW! does everyone use this same book?..lol It's the text book I used in college!


Completely agree with you regarding paragraph tags being used instead of break tags. To be honest, is there ever a real need for break tags? For instance, while they can be used as "presentational" markers, what about the blind users who have to listen to Jaws or other visual-aid software speak "to the end of the monthbreakthis is how the weekly schedule..."

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