I am new on this all,
I want to add RSS Feed to my website.
But really i don't know about this anything.
As I am on windows 7, The gadget RSS FEED (i look on it) and also view some pages like THIS but the Question is How can I add it to my website so that other can subscribe me with the RSS FEED?

Help Me Fast, I am waiting for the answer

Help Me Fast, I am waiting for the answer

Please...some patience... You've been a member for a few months now, you know that someone that has experience in the question you are asking will come around to help you as soon as possible. Posting that you need help really fast is a sure way to get fewer people willing to help.


How can I add it to my website so that other can subscribe me with the RSS FEED?

Well, you need to create the feed first. This feed is generally made up of a standard XML file. If you have a blog site say on blogger.com or wordpress, the feed is created for you (an XML file) and can be accessed by a specific URL. You just need to publish it. One of the easiest ways to do it is using an RSS Feed Generator. Most of them will take care of all of the details related to subscription options if you just provide the URL to the XML file. For example, take a look at Google's Feedburner. There are a lot of other companies out there that will do it for free or for a fee.

If you only have a website and need to create the XML file on your own, here is an example of how its done using ASP.NET. You could create the XML file manually, but that would require a lot of maintenance.

Create an RSS Feed for your Website

Please...some patience... You've been a member for a few months now, you know that someone that has experience in the question you are asking will come around to help you as soon as possible. Posting that you need help really fast is a sure way to get fewer people willing to help.

Thanks, from next time i will take care.

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