Please visit in IE and / or Opera. You will find the "archive | notes" links are scrolled off to the right, when they should be right under the rose-colored bars. Also, the same type of links are in the poem pages when they should be on the bottom of the page, as they seem to be working right at

How do I fix this problem. I get a lot of IE viewers, so it needs a quick rememdy. Thank you. :-)

Hi there,

hay put this code and your problem will solve :)
will work with IE, FireFox, Opera i have tested,
you can see here :
please let me know if you got any prob. with this ;)

<!--Head/CSS is same as you have already -->
<table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td><span style="text-align:left;"><a href="/02/yu"><big>Tim Yu</big></a></span></td>
    <td><span style="text-align:left;"><a href="/02/bramhall"><big>Allen Bramhall</big></a></span></td>
    <td><span style="text-align:left;"><a href="/02/moore"><big>Katrinka Moore</big></a></span></td>
    <td><span style="text-align:left;"><a href="/02/bach"><big>Glenn Bach</big></a></span></td>
    <td><span style="text-align:left;"><a href="/02/switaj"><big>Elizabeth Switaj</big></a></span></td>
    <td><span style="text-align:left;"><a href="/02/shippy"><big>Peter Jay Shippy</big></a></span></td>
    <td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
    <td colspan="4" class="light">&nbsp;</td>
    <td colspan="4" class="dark">&nbsp;</td>
<table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td><p style="text-align:right; font-size:85%;"><br style="line-height:50px" />
        <a href="/02/archive">archive</a> | <a href="/02/notes">notes</a></p></td>

Rahul Dev Katarey

thanks for helping, but I don't want the contents flush at the top, I want to preserve the initial break. Can you tell me why the "archive | notes" part of your solution doesn't scroll off to the right?

Is there a way to make <div> sections absolute, so that each div class or is like it's own page?

also, how do i position something absolutely on the bottom of the page?

Dear tefflox

Please have a look at do you want this?
Absolute position is not good idea because there are many users have deferent resolution


Well...if you want to keep the 382px space using the code supplied by katarey, give the table an id (let's call it "names") and then set a top margin in the css.

#names { margin-top: 382px; }

Dear tefflox

Please have a look at do you want this?
Absolute position is not good idea because there are many users have deferent resolution


yes i also add padding for this :)

<div style=" padding-top:382px; width:80%;">



I think your problem is in the id="info" of the <div>
it' in the
div#info {position: absolute; top: 520px; right: 25%; }
where you have to change it , change the top.
I hope this is what you want.

Good Luck,


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