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Is it possible to augment your laptop's graphic card

You mean increasing your graphic card performace? You can easily buy a better graphic card if you want to? There are ways to make use of your graphics card so it function better but increasing the graphic card performance i have never heard before. An i7 processor can surely help you with that...

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Is there any external graphics card i can get for my laptop

Sorry but i have never heard of that before. Graphics card only work in your laptop or PC.

There's a way to increase graphic card performance and it's call 'Overclock'... It increase the frequency of your graphic card or processor to boost graphic handling like playing high graphic usage games.

In return, overclock cancel your warranty automatically for your graphic card and will wear out sooner. It should be use by someone who knows the risk of overclock and able to cope whatever will happen to your computer.

Overclock is not a safe method to use. So safety is always first. Overclocking causes a lot of problem all the time, so the best is to upgrade your graphics card.

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