I have a Toshiba P100 with a faded LCD screen, I can connect it to an external monitor and everything works fine on the external monitor, but I can barely see anything on the laptop screen. I replaced the inverter first but that didnt help, so I replaced the LCD convinced that that was the problem, but still the same problem persist - works on the external monitor, faded on the new LCD screen. Can anyone help?

Check you power options - have the ability to set the screen brightness for plugged in and on battery... may need resetting

Alternatively, most notebooks have hotkeys to adjust screen brightness.

Sometimes these settings are universal (ie, for both inbuilt and external monitors), but often they are not

In the power options settings, display is set to never turn off and brightness is set to maximum.

Have a look here, as may be a back-light issue (had assumed back-light was actually part of monitor, so never thought to suggest).

Let us know if this helps, as may well be useful to others.

EDIT: Found this guide, which is same topic but specific to Toshiba notebooks, so might be more helpful :)

Thanks kaninelupus, thats an excellent website. I dont think its the backlight as the LCD screen is new, I have a feeling my replacement inverter is faulty too. I got it off ebay.

Thanks kaninelupus, thats an excellent website. I dont think its the backlight as the LCD screen is new, I have a feeling my replacement inverter is faulty too. I got it off ebay.

LOL. I by a lot of IT stuff online, but almost NEVER from eBay... usually from reputable on-line merchants. Saves a world of grief. Well, you live and learn :-/

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