in my bios, the hd is recognized but it says optical disk: none.

i just installed a new hd and set my bios to load cd rom first and then hd, so i could install windows on it. but it skips the cd and goes straight to hd, which doesnt have windows on it so obviously i get a message that "no os found". to test if cd was faulty or if hd was, i took out the hd and booted up again, with cd still set to load first. yup - it goes straight to the (non-existent) hd, giving me the same "no os" message. meaning, it bypassed totally the load-from-cd-first.

what can i do to fix this? i dont think the problem is the cd itself, bc i only used a billion times to reinstall windows again and again on my previous faulty drive. it must be the cd-drive at fault bc like i said, bios won't recognize it.

also, i did drop my laptop recently and i notice that the cd drive juts out about half a centimeter. like i can push it back into place, and pull it out a little more. but the thing is, when i turn on comp i do hear a whirring, click sound from the cd, like it is working. and i can open and close it, no problem. just not recognized by laptop.

how do i get cd drive to be recognized in the bios settings? thanks!

If "bios won't recognize it", how can you set CD drive as first boot device?
Try to rollback BIOS to factory settings. If possible connect this drive to other computer and test in Windows.

also, i did drop my laptop recently and i notice that the cd drive juts out about half a centimeter.

most like broke connection to the motherboard in the drop ,drops are not good!!

If "bios won't recognize it", how can you set CD drive as first boot device?

umm good point? i dont know, but there is still that option in my load page.

Your BIOS page might be preset to allow for the setting of a DVD/CD and hard drive etc without the need to actually check for one on that page. The page that displays what hardware you have, can not find a CD/DVD so it is not connected some how. As caperjack stated, a fall is a no, no and most probably is your cause. See if you can dismantle your machine down to the connections on you CD/DVD and look for any lose or broken connections. If there is something simple there you may be OK but I would think it will be the job of a repair tech. Try to get a free quote first.
Get a desktop, they are much harder to drop and easier to fix. lol

there is still that option in my load page.

this is reference to f11 or f12 boot option and not info in the bios .i assume! correct

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