When I start a computer in my lab where I work ... it first detects all the drives ... and then it says the cpu is either unworkable or missing .....

When I press F1 ... it then starts loading windows ... but the windows restarts before reaching the login screen ... what should be the problem ??

CPU settings may be misconfigured in BIOS. Reset CMOS by removing and replacing the battery and try again.

I reset the bios settings to default ... removed the battery and tried again ... but to no avail ...

Doesn't sound good at all. If the system won't complete POST, and no changes have been made to components, then you may be confronted with a hardware failure. I'll move this to 'Troubleshooting dead machines, and would suggest that you work through the 'barebones configuration' troubleshooting technique I've outlined in the 'Read this first' sticky in that section.

When I start a computer in my lab where I work ... it first detects all the drives ... and then it says the cpu is either unworkable or missing .....

When I press F1 ... it then starts loading windows ... but the windows restarts before reaching the login screen ... what should be the problem ??

does it say cpu fan failure? if it does,does yor pc come with a cpu fan?if not turn off cpu fan checking in advanced bios(f11)

And how'd it say that if the CPU was missing? I think putting a message on the screen requires some CPU work...

does it say cpu fan failure? if it does,does yor pc come with a cpu fan?if not turn off cpu fan checking in advanced bios(f11)

Nope it says that cpu is unworkable or missing .... and when I press F1 it goes to windows booting ...

Doesn't sound good at all. If the system won't complete POST, and no changes have been made to components, then you may be confronted with a hardware failure. I'll move this to 'Troubleshooting dead machines, and would suggest that you work through the 'barebones configuration' troubleshooting technique I've outlined in the 'Read this first' sticky in that section.

The system does POST but it displays the error I told you ... but anywayz if anyone could help here in the dead machines section...

Then it doesn't successfully POST.

When we say a system will POST it means that the system either completes POST and tries to load an OS, or completes POST and gives a 'No operating system' error. Anything short of that is a failure to POST.

Fit a new CMOS battery and try again. If the error message still appears, try updating BIOS on the system.

try replacing the CMOS battery and upgrading the BIOS as Catweasle has suggested.

If this doesnt work then its possible that the CPU might have become faulty or there is something like a scratch on it or the motherboard that is causing this error. The pins on a CPU can get bent very easily. There is also a small chance that a Transistor cap near where the processor is located has got bent or begun to leak.

these are my theories, hopefully i'll be proven wrong and it wont be something quite so drastic.:)

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