Its a Dell Inspriron 531s I got this screen right before it boots the BIOS but hangs there. I checked the Battery and it was fine. But when I turn on the computer I get the ONE short beep from the BIOS but it hangs. I have changed the mother board and still get the smae results. and thinking it might be the CPU, didn't do anything. HELP


Are you saying that when you turn the computer on it goes straight into BIOS or are you pressing a key attempting to enter BIOS?

Could you describe or post pictures of what happens when you turn your computer on?

I turn ON the computer. I hear and see the fan s come on, I hear the HD drive, etc followed by ONE short beep. but on the screen, it says DELL BIOS version 1.0.6 press f12 for boot. but nothing on the keyboard responds.

this can be a graphics card's problem if you are not using built-in graphics card. Try to use built-in graphics card... and also make sure that keyboard is working :p

The main cause of such problem may occur from the your graphic card or ram if you have two ram card try the first one and then the second one if you find that its work with one ram then the second ram can just start you pc but not perform any other actions

Three possible things that could be wrong that I can think of. The first, and easiest, is your keyboard isn't plugged in. That shouldn't stop the computer from continuing on past post however, which leads me to think there may be another problem. Try switching to a different keyboard. Your boot sequence might also be messed up in your BIOS. Your harddrive may also have a bad install of an OS on it or crashed.

I would say out of the three of those, the most obvious culprit is a bad keyboard.

I would say yes to the graphic card but I just put in a new mother board. Keyboard is USB and should boot up with out the keypad

Keyboard is USB and should boot up with out the keypad

yes it should ,but its not ,for some other reason ,and you need to get into the bios to to set defaults ,I fix a lot of different computers and see a lot of Dells and compaqs and such name brands that will not work a usb keyboard at this point ,so i suggest a ps/2 keyboard ,borrow one perhaps

first boot setting changed in your pc.
first restart your pc, then press del key.
then go to boot setting and change your boot setting.
then save your setting and restart your pc.


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Graphic card error most of time will not just give 1 beep sound.
If there is RAM error, most of time, no screen at all, not even Dell logo.

Try reset the Bios and discharge reset the PC and see if working again:

Unplug the power cord, pressing the power button over 20 seconds do not let go to discharge the mainboard, this will also reset the PC.

Plug the power cord back and try.

Hope this helps!
Tech manager

Graphic card error most of time will not just give 1 beep sound.
If there is RAM error, most of time, no screen at all, not even Dell logo.

Try reset the Bios and discharge reset the PC and see if working again:

Unplug the power cord, pressing the power button over 20 seconds do not let go to discharge the mainboard, this will also reset the PC.

Plug the power cord back and try.

Hope this helps!
Tech manager

Holy smokes, worked like a charm. Great trick to know!

Thanks a million :)

remove the cmos battery for a couple seconds and put it back hope it works..

I have the exact same problem on the exact same model Dell. Unplugging and holding the Start button worked! Thank! I love Google!

Pc hang on has always been a head cracking ploblem always

wha to you mean Unplugging and holding the Start button how to do that ? First hold the start button for 20 seconds and then unplugg?

The computer system stuck on bios when there no operating system present or there is no hard-disk is present. If the bootable and primary hard-disk is failed then you can not enter into the operating system. only you stuck onto the bios setup. So now you must check the hard disk cable, power cable as well as the hard disk drive.

it might be worth going into the bios and making sure that the halt on all errors function is turned off or set to halt on keyboard error is turned off and try again, might just let you know if it is your keyboard playing up

The answer from worked for me as well, many thanks.
For what it's worth here's what happened (using onboard graphics card)

Last night before bed time I put the PC in standby mode (ususally I shut it down) so when I tried to start it up in the morning the desktop came up as normal but keyboard and mouse were unresponsive, the mouse light was on, I thought it froze so I restarted it. When I did that it wouldn't load past the initial bios welcome screen (as op) so I restarted it about 3 times with the same result, after I used my laptop to search "pc stuck at bios screen" and it led me here to fix the problem, honestly my luck is always so bad I thought my mobo or HD had given up, I just didn't expect such a simple fix. :) But can anyone guess why this happened? I'm never putting my PC in standby again even if it takes 30 minutes to load every time. hehe

this is your hard drive problem dude

In my laptop when BIOS startup its giving continuous beeping until i press ALT+CTRL+DEL. (ACER ASPIRE 5100)

my friend had the same problem. through trial and error he took out all of his hard drives and his pc started up as normal. Just place them back in and was working beautifully. Be aware it could be your CPU, battery or graphic card. Try to hard reboot first but if in doubt carefully remove parts one at time, and reboot again.

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