Lately I have been getting JRAID errors when using both of my DVD rom drives, an LG and a Plextor PX-870A. They will usually play normal audio CD's but sometimes when I rip from them I will get many errors. When I play a DVD movie I sometimes have to reload it several times before it will play and sometimes the movie will lock up and I have to to take the DVD out and re insert it for it to play on. Looking at the system error records it's always a JRAID error. Anyone know whats going on?

My MOBO is an Asus P5B Deluxe and I'm using Windows XP Pro.


It could very easily be caused by malware! What protective software have you got and have you scanned with it recently?

I do regular scans usually twice per week with Spybot Search and Destroy, Microsoft Security Essentials and an AVG anti virus program and nothing shows up.

Would it be a driver issue? I've been told that it might be in the registry but I don't know what to look for.

have you tried going to device manager and uninstalling the drives and reboot to reinstall them ,just a thought

have you tried going to device manager and uninstalling the drives and reboot to reinstall them ,just a thought

I did that yesterday to both drives but to no avail. The Plextor is an IDE drive and the LG is a SATA drive btw. Am I correct in assuming that the JMicron JMB36X controller is what controls my DVD drives?

My Plextor drive is fairly new and from the get go it hasn't wanted to play DVD movies but has had no problem with music CD's. The LG drive has always played both Ok but recently even it hasn't wanted to play DVD movies. At first I was thinking that it was Power DVD program I was using to play my movies, but have since ruled that out.

Sounds like you might have a raid controller trying to load up. Going into task manager and check the processes that are running, find the raid controller, and uninstall it.

Some SATA drives actually need the jraid.sys file. What OS are you running? I have heard of bad jraid.sys files being installed on Win7 installs. You may want to try to reinstalling your OS.

I'm pretty sure your problem is software related.

Some SATA drives actually need the jraid.sys file. What OS are you running? I have heard of bad jraid.sys files being installed on Win7 installs. You may want to try to reinstalling your OS.

I'm pretty sure your problem is software related.

I'm running WinXP Pro. I'm not running a raid configuration.

Have you checked the integrity of your hard drive recently? Also, what make, size, density, and speed of ram have you got? Asus mobo's are well known for limited ram compatability (I know this as I also have an Asus mobo).

For RAM I have OCZ DDR2 800mhz dual channel. Is there a program I can check the integrity of my hard drive?

The manufacturer of your hard drive will most likely have have software for checking it. Have a look in your device manager to see if it says what make it is.

Is it the JMicron JMB36X controller that works with the DVD drives?

My Hdd is a Seagate Barricuda but I couldn't anything on their website for checking their hard drives....

try reinstall jraid drivers .

Do you mean the drivers for the JMicron JMB36X controller?

And I did download the Sea Tools Utility. I did a scan using the quick scan and my HDD was a PASS!! I will do a full scan later as it takes several hours to scan 320 gb, so they say.


try reinstall jraid drivers .

From what I'm reading on the internet it seems that if I'm not running a RAID that I don't need the JMicron controller and I should disable it as it is causing a conflict because my DVD drives shouldn't be running from that but just the standard Windows drivers. I think that there might be a conflict there?? What do you think caperjack?

i agree ,a raid is 2 or more harddrives and doesn't involve dvds' should beable to disable it in bios setup

i agree ,a raid is 2 or more harddrives and doesn't involve dvds' should beable to disable it in bios setup

I didn't un-install the JMicron drivers but I disabled it, re-booted, but still the same problem with my DVD drives.

I've always had the LG drive from when my computer was new but have added the Plextor drive recently. The LG has always played both music and movies with no problem. The Plextor has always played music CD's but not movies from the beginning, now neither the LG or the Plextor will play movies but they will still play music CD's .... very weird.

I meant to add to the above post that sometimes I've wondered if the problem was with Power DVD that I use to watch DVD's. Given that both drives will play CD's but not DVD's..??

If your drive reads cd's, but not dvd's That indicates that the hardware works fine. You will need to edit the registry inorder to fix this problem.

1) click the start menu
2) click on "run"
3) type "regedit" and click ok
4) go to string key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
5) delete "upper filters" and "lower filters in the right side window.
6) right click my computer in the start menu.
7) click properties
8) go to the hardware tab
9) click device manager
10) expand the dvd/cdrom drives
11) right click the dvd rom and click uninstall
12) restart computer

after restarting, windows should automatically install a clean ROM drive and it should read DVDs just fine if you have the correct DVD decoders.

Now all of a sudden neither DVD drive won't play Cd's either and before they always have. Neither drive shows up in the device manager now. I tried to re-enable the JMicron 36X controller as this was the only change I've made since yesterday, but when I click enable my computer re-boots and the Jmicron controller is still disabled. I tried to enable it twice but the computer instantly re-boots and it's still disabled.

During boot up both of the led's blink on both DVD drives as they usually do, and the initial screen shows both drives are recognized, but they are not showing up in the BIOS. The LG is a SATA but doesn't show up on the SATA 1 to 6 list in BIOS, just my hard drive shows. Everything else works fine, just these drives, and it seems to be getting worse. Not sure what going on.

If your drive reads cd's, but not dvd's That indicates that the hardware works fine. You will need to edit the registry inorder to fix this problem.

1) click the start menu
2) click on "run"
3) type "regedit" and click ok
4) go to string key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
5) delete "upper filters" and "lower filters in the right side window.
6) right click my computer in the start menu.
7) click properties
8) go to the hardware tab
9) click device manager
10) expand the dvd/cdrom drives
11) right click the dvd rom and click uninstall
12) restart computer

after restarting, windows should automatically install a clean ROM drive and it should read DVDs just fine if you have the correct DVD decoders.

Thank you for your reply alvarezgonzalo. You were posting at the same time as I was and didn't see yours until after I posted lol!! I'm a bit nervous about editing the registry and have never done it before, but maybe I will try. The only problem is, is that now my drives are not showing up in the device manager.

If your drive reads cd's, but not dvd's That indicates that the hardware works fine. You will need to edit the registry inorder to fix this problem.

1) click the start menu
2) click on "run"
3) type "regedit" and click ok
4) go to string key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
5) delete "upper filters" and "lower filters in the right side window.
6) right click my computer in the start menu.
7) click properties
8) go to the hardware tab
9) click device manager
10) expand the dvd/cdrom drives
11) right click the dvd rom and click uninstall
12) restart computer

In the registry where you said to go there is only lower filters showing and no upper filters.

I meant to add to the above post that sometimes I've wondered if the problem was with Power DVD that I use to watch DVD's. Given that both drives will play CD's but not DVD's..??

try playing the dvd with windows media player ,

also run the fix here to see if you can get back the drives .

try playing the dvd with windows media player ,

also run the fix here to see if you can get back the drives .

Tried to run it but it needs SP3 and I have SP2. I never upgraded to SP3 because I didn't want Windows Media Player 11 which come with it, but I guess I will have to bite the bullet!!

for security ans support alone you should update to sp3 , don't need to keep wmp 11 after the update ,you can remove it and reinstall wmp 9 or 10 .you should be able to go to add and remove programs ,and in the left pane go to add windows components and uninstall it from there i think ,if it not in add and remove programs .im using win7 for over a year now and cant remember all the winxp features for sure !

you can download older version of software ,one of my favorites sites over the years has been the one in the link below .

for security ans support alone you should update to sp3 , don't need to keep wmp 11 after the update ,you can remove it and reinstall wmp 9 or 10 .you should be able to go to add and remove programs ,and in the left pane go to add windows components and uninstall it from there i think ,if it not in add and remove programs .im using win7 for over a year now and cant remember all the winxp features for sure !

So I guess now my only option is to upgrade to SP3 and run the utility that caperjack suggested to see if it will repair itself!! I can't do the registry edit as suggested by one poster because I can't uninstall the drives in device manager because they are not showing up there. The last option of course would be a clean install of XP.

If the drives are not showing up in your bios then nothing within windows will fix the problem. You need to check your bios settings (refer to your motherboard manual) and check the data cables inside your pc. It might be worth swapping data cables and sata channels to see if you get any differing results!

If the drives are not showing up in your bios then nothing within windows will fix the problem. You need to check your bios settings (refer to your motherboard manual) and check the data cables inside your pc. It might be worth swapping data cables and sata channels to see if you get any differing results!

I just re-read through my posts and realized that I made an error when I said that one drive was SATA and one was an IDE when in fact I had replaced the one SATA with an IDE, so both DVD drives are IDE, Plextor is master and the LG is slave. So that explains why the one drive isn't showing up in the SATA list in the BIOS. So the only thing connected to SATA is my hard drive. Sorry for the error!!

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