Why does my monitor now refuse to turn on?

I attempt to boot up, monitor light briefly green, then *POOF*, it goes directly to sleep mode.


There could be tons of reasons. Firstly, has this happened before? And when you say sleep mode, you mean the monitor refuses to turn on? Or the OS you're running enters sleep mode.

I had some problems with my screen monitor awhile ago. How did I fix it? I got a laptop. :p

How's the video card? If it is not sending the appropriate H&V drive signals to the monitor, the monitor will go into sleep mode.

on boot up, hit F8, from the options select enable VGA mode.

problem solved ;)


well ppl ive had the more or less same problem and ive tried al lthe above
take out cmos battery ,jumpers clear bios blah blah blah. the fan comes on good howeva there is this red light labelled as led1 next to something called RI8 . i know the bestway to fix thisis toget something new.but no1 has ne ideas?

My system did not boot, when it gets to the place where it says Press ESC to go to the next page and DEL to enter set up. That's where it stops and my monitor starts blinking showing nothing.

My system did not boot, when it gets to the place where it says Press ESC to go to the next page and DEL to enter set up. That's where it stops and my monitor starts blinking showing nothing. Even though my keybaord is not picking let alone wanting to press F8. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My computer monitor stays in sleep mode after installing video card

My computer monitor stays in sleep mode after installing video card

I have never seen a monitor with sleep mode feature ,sleep mode is a feature of Windows,so your computer is not booting into Windows for some reason is most likely whats happing ,could be that the video card is not compatible or is not working .

Maybe a lack of power? Is your PSU capable of powering your new card?

RE: the error with the bios; you should post that elsewhere as it's probably related to a hardware issue.

Check the BIOS settings, since you see video before POST someone may have fooled around in the BIOS and screwed stuff up. Try going in and reset to default.. let me know how it does afterward

My PC is doing the same thing for about a month now. PC is booting because screen will come on after 30 min or so. this only happens on first boot not restart. PC runs fine once the monitor finally wakes up. Have had no problems with pc for the last 2 years and have not added any new hardware. Seems like it started after the last service pack was added.

My Asus A7V600 (2003) motherboard has been doing thsi of and on for a long time. Trying another RGB monitor did not solv it. At times I got it going by replacing AGp card with a PCI graphics card. Increasing the power to the graphics card did not solve it. Replacing the power supply din not solve it. Removing one of the memory module often gets it going again. I replaced the graphics card and after a while the problem that the monitor does not come on returns. The old graphics card works happily in another computer.
I replaced my old computer with a Asus P5Q SE2 motherboard and thought that would end the problem. After a week or two the problem reoccured with the new computer as well. I replaced the old RGB monitor with a new LG LCD monitor. This far the problem has not reoccured.
My sons Intel motherboard was doing the same with a brand new ATI graphics card.
I have been wondering if it is not a static build up between the motherboard and the monitor?

There could be tons of reasons. Firstly, has this happened before? And when you say sleep mode, you mean the monitor refuses to turn on? Or the OS you're running enters sleep mode.

I had some problems with my screen monitor awhile ago. How did I fix it? I got a laptop. :p

Check the BIOS settings, since you see video before POST someone may have fooled around in the BIOS and screwed stuff up. Try going in and reset to default.. let me know how it does afterward

since the last updates my computer when l turn on goes into sleep mode, then says press f1 when l do it repeats its self again doing the same, windows is trying to open but directly going to sleep mode saying entering sleep mode

i have a gateway computer and when i go to turn it on the computer it self turns on but the monitor goes to sleep what can i do ???

i have a gateway computer and when i go to turn it on the computer it self turns on but the monitor goes to sleep what can i do ???

try another monitor

You have to do some changing in your monitor power setting and save power.

Term Papers

My pc was working fine and suddenly the monitor would not wake up ( I had not turned off the CPU). I tried another monitor with no change. I then replaced the video card and cleaned out the considerable dust that had accumulated inside the tower, still no change. I have an AMD chip and the machine was custome built 4 years ago

I have been having a similar problem for a few weeks.... i've had the pc and monitor for about 4 years, i've changed nothing on it recently yet every time when I start the pc the monitor starts and then goes to sleep... each time I turn off the power and restart the pc it gets a little further until around the 4th time of starting it the monitor finally stays on and works fine. I've updated the graphics card drivers but tried little else.... I have tried another monitor and another vga cable, the problem still remains the same.... any inexpensive ideas?

Try taking out the RAMs and insert one at a time. The reason could be a RAM card out of order.

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