Sir,What Is Wrong With a Computer When the Screen Goes Black But the Lights & Computer Stay On?
My Laptop, Compaq Evo N610C ,turn on but screen remain black.
I connect laptop from back port with extra monitor and laptop is working with extra monitor but still laptop screen is black.
It happen 6 months ago but screen came back and was working till last week.
Right now I am using extra monitor.I updated video driver but did not wotk.Is any wire broken ??
If so how can I open that part of Laptop to fix screen problems??
Regards- Mike my email rightway44@hotmail.comblack screen

1st . May be any jumper wire broken or lose check all jumper wire which conect from motherboard to screen ,

Thank you sir,
I never opened laptop but know something about desktop motherboard.How and where to check and fix jumper wire.Sometime screen comes up and work but aafter a few minutes go dark.But it keep working with extra monitor.please provide steps to open and fix,please

Thank you..I tried your advice.
I could not see anything on screen in dark or with torch. Computer start with windows xp logo then screen Goes Black But the Lights & Computer Stay On? . When I turn on but screen remain black.In the begenning i see windows xp screen shows up but it turn black,when it goes to desktop. If I connect laptop from back port with extra monitor and laptop is working with extra monitor but still laptop screen is black. It happen 6 months ago but screen came back and was working till last week.
Right now I am using extra monitor.I updated video driver but did not wotk. ??
My Laptop, Compaq Evo N610C

Oh well i understand ,there is any breakage in voltage for mobile laptop screen or any capacitor get loosed. Mostly Capacitor power lose in this type of case

Sir,how can I check and fix it myself,please.Is it on back side or below key board??where is it located.Please help me.I can not afford to buy a new laptop.

Contact laptop technician because during setting up voltages or changing capictor yourself is dangrous,

Six months ago screen went black and after a week start working..same thing happen last week and yesterday screen was fine after a week of black screen.Just one hour ago it went black again after a day.What is the cause.When black it does not turn on with battery replacement,on ,off.
Only additional monitor gives the picture.
Is it some wire is loose,or need soldering on motherboard??Please advise??

I agree with you.It is hardware problem after performing above diagnostic staeps.I have to get a screw driver to open and check,if i can find laptop screen wires loose.Is screw driver for laptop different than regular screw driver?? How it look like??.Thanks

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