I have been thinking about upgrading my computer because it pretty much sucks.
I mostly play game online like battlefield 1942 etc. but a lot of the games i want to get i cant play them because my computer sucks!
well i really need to know what the best of the following are for gaming.

graphics card
hard drive i would rather add a slave hard drive instead of having to go out and get another version of windows
sound card
power supply
cooling device
and any other good upgrade for gaming online and offline gaming

well i really need to know what the best of the following are for gaming.

Unless you are looking at droping an easy $7,000+ into your computer the best are not going to be an option let alone a need.

Just go to one of the high end system retailers and basicly click what is the most expesive option in most cases:
Xi Computers

i play bf2 alot, get enough RAM so you never need swap again (over 1 gb) and get a 512mb gfx card and make sure you have a 3ghz or over cpu and a fast gigabit NIC

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