I have nothing to brag about. Crystal SoundFusion integrated sound is on my mobo. But how good are those new SoundBlasters? Anyone here have that Turtle Beach one? Do they really make a huge difference?

[me=Tekmaven]dreams of a SoundBlaster Audigy Ex (w/ livedrive)[/me]

*** Dani dreams of a Sound Blaster Audigy ***

why wud any1 want to makes sounds from their puters? isnt that what transitor radios were made 4? ;)

lol you can say that but some people like me use it as a Home Stereo and a TV Set of speakers as well. So computer is used for TV/Entertainment and Primary Stereo of the house.

Dani have you got the Sound Card you wanted yet?

*** Dani's still waiting for an Audigy ***


y'all know the audigy 2's are out now!

Turtle Beach > All

eh ;) to each his own

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