I want to install some kind of virtual box software so I can run Windows from inside Ubuntu. I have heard of a few such software packages, including virtualbox and vmware, and I was wondering if anybody here had any recommendations on what to use.

Also, I already have Windows Vista on my computer (dual-boot), and was wondering if there was a way to have the virtual box boot that instance of Windows instead of a newly installed Windows OS specifically for the virtual box.

Thanks for any help that you can give.

its illegal to run windows vista in something like virtualbox unless its buisness or ultinate

>ts illegal to run windows vista in something like virtualbox

that doesn't mean he can't do it. I recommend vmware server, it's free and works very well, very easy to configure. But you should go the legal way and run xp.

Thanks for the advice! And, of course i'll go the legal way. :)

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