Hey All,

I want to try Linux so I was wondering what was the best way to go about it (the way that would cause the least casualties). I guess I can either go the dual boot route or I can install it inside Windows Virtual PC. ANy recommendations?

I would say burn it as an ISO on a CD so you can try it out. However if you really like it, it gives you an option to install it on to your hard drive ;)


I recommend the LiveCDs for just getting your feet wet. The LiveCD will run the entire distro off the CD/RAM so it won't need to make any modifications to your HD. I also recommend Ubuntu for newbies as it is fairly feature complete, comes with a great graphical user interface, and has a large support community.

You can get the Unbuntu live CD Here: "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GettingUbuntu".

definetly go with the live cds, there are several of them out there.. goto distrowatch.com and you will get to see everything that is out there. have fun!!

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