I am having a problem with the resolution of my suse. I just installed it and everything seemed to be installed correctly. I reboot my machine and went through grub and chose the suse linux. At first, the splash screen, looked fine. Then it got to the login page, and it was all messed up, way out of proportion, but I could still login, even though I couldn't really see what I was doing b/c everything was so enlarged. When it logged in it still stayed the same. I tried fixing it by changing the background settings but I couldn't even see what I was doing. I can open my terminal though and see what I am writing. Does anybody know how to fix this? or should I try reinstalling it?

I am having a problem with the resolution of my suse. I just installed it and everything seemed to be installed correctly. I reboot my machine and went through grub and chose the suse linux. At first, the splash screen, looked fine. Then it got to the login page, and it was all messed up, way out of proportion, but I could still login, even though I couldn't really see what I was doing b/c everything was so enlarged. When it logged in it still stayed the same. I tried fixing it by changing the background settings but I couldn't even see what I was doing. I can open my terminal though and see what I am writing. Does anybody know how to fix this? or should I try reinstalling it?

what resolution should you have?

if you go into (off the top of my head... not used SuSE for a while!) YaST, then under one of the options (hardware, i think) should be Display/Graphics/Monitor or something of the sort.

That should launch SAX2 which is has options to change your resolution settings.

Well i actually got it. I had to reinstall and configure the settings manually, it was on 24bit and i tried it on 16 bit and everything worked fine. So problem solved I guess.

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