i downloaded mysql-5.6.17-linux-glibc2.5-i686.tar.gz for Ubuntu 13.04 what next step to install it on ubuntu

Wouldn't this be easier? Am guessing it applies to 13.04 too.

commented: Good link for this poster. +12

That is the source code. You need the GNU C/C++ compiler suite at the least (plus probably cmake as well) which are packages you need to install from the Ubuntu aptitude repository. In any case, installing the binaries from standard repositories (the link that pritaeas provide tells how to do that) is a better option unless you are really experienced with installation of open source packages on Linux from source code.

FYI, 5.6.17 is the latest "stable" MySQL version. There are some subtle, but important, differences from the 5.1 versions that most sites run.

That is the source code. [...]

No, no, it's a precompiled package, judging by the filename; it's got 'i686' in there somewhere.

If you want mysql for LAMP, the easiest way I know is

sudo aptitude install tasksel
sudo tasksel

navigate the menu with arrow keys, select LAMP with spacebar, return, done.

you run this commands
tar xzvf mysql-5.6.17-linux-glibc2.5-i686.tar.gz
After extract this file go to inside of the file and run these commands
sudo make install

Apt is what makes Ubuntu (and Debian) awesome! You should be able to get MySQL running with a single command:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

Unless there's a really good reason (like you need a specific version of mysql that isn't in the Ubuntu repository) I wouldn't install it any other way.

Good luck!

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