i have a pc with intel chipset ,2gb ram , 160 gb hard drive
with windows vista .how can i install mac os with windows vista
dual boot?please if any body have any information or link associated with it reply?

Sorry, it is illegal to install Mac OS X on anything other than Apple hardware. So, no you cannot install Mac OS X on a PC.

For learning purpose you can search for and install iATKOS v7 from torrents

commented: The asker needed info at the least, not just a legal notice. But adding the legal notice with the info is the proper thing to do in my opinion. +6

i have a pc with intel chipset ,2gb ram , 160 gb hard drive
with windows vista .how can i install mac os with windows vista
dual boot?please if any body have any information or link associated with it reply?

check dis out http://www.infinitemac.com

Just do some searches for "Hackintosh" - you'll find lots of info out there.
Another site with plenty of this information is at:

Um guys... what the poster is requesting is illegal (even if quite possible). Posting links to illegal sites is a no-go here!!

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