Im not sure if im doing this right as im new at this. I took 200 plus of a 90th birthday party and put them in my Lap top powerbook. I did move the entire library to another hard drive as the mac only had 2GB left. 2 weeks later I cant find the party pics. I did do a spotlight search and came up with only 19 pics. Im so upset and I haven't told the family I lost them. I NEED HELP!!! I Know I Know back them up. Can sombody help me. I did not delete them. Thanks for anyones help. <email snipped> as im not sure what else to do.

The photos should be somewhere in Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals . If they're not there, my only explanation is that you somehow didn't copy all the photos. And you can't recover what isn't there.

The photos should be somewhere in Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals . If they're not there, my only explanation is that you somehow didn't copy all the photos. And you can't recover what isn't there.

Ok thanks, but I had them a week and I was editing them croping ect. why only 19 pics can be found using spot light.

Were you using iPhoto to do the editing/cropping, or did you use another program (like Photoshop)?

No, the editing was done in iPhoto only.

Can you please do the following:

  1. Click on your desktop, so that the Finder is active.
  2. Press Command (Apple) and 'F'.
  3. You should see the "Kind" menu. Click on the menu to the right of it, and select "Images".

Now let it search, and scroll through the results.

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