I can't install any Windows XP upgrades, including Service Pack 3, after the following sequence of events:

1. I used SpyBot to check for spyware. It found 8 objects and removed them.

2. The next time I turned on my computer, it immediately logged off my user name each time I logged on.

3. An IT pro I know said this was a known prank spyware, and that the only way to recover is to rebuild Windows.

4. I reinstalled Windows using the Repair current Installation feature (not the Repair Console). It reinstalled XP up to Service Pack 2.

5. I then was able to install Service Pack 3 and the upgrades that follow it.

6. A week later, three later upgrades reported that they could not be installed due to a "problem with my computer".

7. I ran SpyBot again, figuring that some spyware was causing the problem. It found 4 of the same items it found the earlier time. One had the string "Microsoft Windows Security" in it.

8. I got the log off after logging on problem again.

9. I reinstalled XP up to SP2 from the system disks again.

10 Now it won't let me install SP3 and later upgrades. The only error message is "Not installed".

11. Microsoft Auto Update repeatedly was trying and failing to install these. I shut it off, so I could get some work done.

12. I did a full hard disk file system and surface scan, with no errors.

13. My IT friend told me to use Windows Defender instead of Spybot, and that Spybot might be changing a setting that is not supposed to be changed. I installed Windows Defender. Windows defender finds no problems, but has an error message when I try to download updated lists.


Update (and I really need this solved):

I used the tips in the Windows KB page referred to in another thread "XP Service Pack 3 won't Install." These did nothing to help. In fact, the only effect I saw from these efforts is that the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop started making copies of itself when I doubleclicked it, instead of starting IE. The copies did nothing when doubleclicked. I was able to make IE work again by copying the shortcut on the Start/programs menu.

This is now the 4th time I have used the Windows disks to reinstall Windows XP Pro, up to Service Pack 2. I can install SP3 from a CD downloaded from the MS page, but none of the other updates will install.

The updates appear to download normally, but then I get the message "The following updates were not installed:" with a list of all of the updates that Automatic Updates wanted to install.

It almost looks like Microsift is using the last updates to break XP, because not enough people are changing to Vista.

I can't install any updates. Why?

Further info:

- Other companies' software will update normally. It's just Microsoft giving the trouble.

- The windows sign on music distorts the first note.

There are reports of SP3 machines being unable to update further ... something to do with WGA corrupting. Sorry I don't have an answer, but maybe it will give you something to google.

to windows? XP SP2 will remain to be my favorite!... I wont go further!.. Vista is not in my consideration for now.

I loaded WGA and Windows Defender after the second infestation. WGA said my windows was genuine.

Could WGA be messing up the downloads.

Try taking a look at this, maybe it will help:


That fixed it.

It looks like Microsoft did a "Wups".

Their update design expected everything to be done in order. They forgot that someone might have to rebuild after a crash or malware ruined something.

I will mark this as solved once all of the updates install. Two of them didn't want to.

It looks like Microsoft did a "Wups".

You mean another wups. :icon_wink:

Glad it helped

I fixed the two that didn't want to install. Symantec Anti Virus tamper protection was blocking the install.

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