hi there. I'm wanting to make an installer for a file, and I need to know how to add the file to the start menu/all programs.

is it possable to do this with a .reg file?

Skip the reg file idea.... the Start, All Pgms menu is part of Explorer. The content of that list comes from the sum of All Users and "Your" shortcuts [or links] included in the folders under Docs &Settings\User\Start Menu\Programs. So just rclick your file and create a shortcut, name it how you would like it to appear, and drag it to Start Menu\Programs under the User of your choice. And presto! it will be listed in All Pgms. It does not have to be a link to an executable... it can be a link to a photo of your mum. Or a batch file....
Hope this is what you wanted. But if you wished to script it into the installer, then someone else will be your man, not me.

Skip the reg file idea.... the Start, All Pgms menu is part of Explorer. The content of that list comes from the sum of All Users and "Your" shortcuts [or links] included in the folders under Docs &Settings\User\Start Menu\Programs. So just rclick your file and create a shortcut, name it how you would like it to appear, and drag it to Start Menu\Programs under the User of your choice. And presto! it will be listed in All Pgms. It does not have to be a link to an executable... it can be a link to a photo of your mum. Or a batch file....
Hope this is what you wanted. But if you wished to script it into the installer, then someone else will be your man, not me.

He's trying to make an installer that automates the process of adding the folder to the start menu.
I thought the same thing, but then I noticed that he had mentioned, installer.

Mmm... yeah, whish iw why I added the last line.. but at least now he knows how the start menu is built, and he can script his installer to place shortcuts into those folders so that they appear in All Pgms.

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