My computer takes around 8 minutes to start, and I want to turn off some of the 75+ processes that start when my computer boots. How can I do this? I have the program Autoruns from Sysinternals on my computer, but unfortunately whenever I open it, the window appears in my taskbar, but nowhere on my screen. For those of you that are going to suggest it, MSCONFIG will not work in this situation.

What is the operating system?

Never mind. Missed the part about "msconfig doesn't work".

open you computer in safe mode, here you use MSCONFIG utility..i like to suggest you if you are a expert user that you can use this otherwise not..

My computer takes around 8 minutes to start, and I want to turn off some of the 75+ processes that start when my computer boots. How can I do this? I have the program Autoruns from Sysinternals on my computer, but unfortunately whenever I open it, the window appears in my taskbar, but nowhere on my screen. For those of you that are going to suggest it, MSCONFIG will not work in this situation.

75+ thats a lot ,I have 31 on startup .why so many,what do you got that i don't got[lol] and why would msoconfig not help some , go to services and set some to manual ,i thing most processes are running because of a set services,but i could be wrong

at 75+ processes upon startup, I believe that warrants a completely new windows install, Im sure it would be like a brand new computer in your situation

Try WinPatrol. You can not only disable items in the startup list, you can also make them have a delayed start, and you can decide how much delay to give them.
75 really does seem too much. I think you really need to make some hard decisions about what you have and what you NEED.

Start by looking at what's in the Startup menu - delete what you don't want.

If you're handy with Regedit, you can look in
Delete any programs you're sure you don't need.

I start with all the automatic update schedulers that so many programs want to launch.

Also, in Computer Management/Services you can disable or set to manual start any services you're sure you don't need.

I agree with Vmanes, As long as u know what u are doing, The Registry is the best place for Tweaks and Acc to the location given i.e.
There is no chance to obstruct the startup of any important OS file which could cause ur PC to crash upon startup, so go ahead with the registry and carefully delete the entries of the Unwanted Keys.

Go to Start>Run>msconfige (type it)>startup tab> diselect programs.

Go to Start>Run>msconfige (type it)>startup tab> diselect programs.

why not read there first post ,before you waste a post!!

MSCONFIG will not work in this situation

2 days, and original poster hasn't posted back ,I think his virus got the best of him

Download this, End Task 1.0 of google, cNet, softpedia, tucows, or any other download site. (after you end the procces you dont permanantly loose it).

Oh, and one more thing I rcomend softpedia because it deletes viruses, spyware, and keyloggers in the program. (does'nt delete the program itself).

Hope that helps. :)

Here's an even easier way:

Open your run box and just ty[pe in Regedit.exe and under the startup tab, uncheck processes you don't think are necessary to load on startup

My computer takes around 8 minutes to start, and I want to turn off some of the 75+ processes that start when my computer boots. How can I do this? I have the program Autoruns from Sysinternals on my computer, but unfortunately whenever I open it, the window appears in my taskbar, but nowhere on my screen. For those of you that are going to suggest it, MSCONFIG will not work in this situation.

Ace Utilities; in safe mode
Bootvis; after your done with everything else

At this point I agree with other, time to reformat...

Where is The Original Poster??? I don't think he deserves the Attention we're giving :D

Where is The Original Poster??? I don't think he deserves the Attention we're giving :D

LOL, not only him,the problem itself is a no brainer!you got 75+ processes on startup ,you got viruses/trojans up the yin yang

LOL, not only him,the problem itself is a no brainer!you got 75+ processes on startup ,you got viruses/trojans up the yin yang

Not necessarily - he might have just installed a lot of crap.

If we're going back to basics, there's an awful lot of applications that have an 'invoke at startup' box that's very easy to miss. We still haven't heard from the original poster and we don't know his level of expertise, Can we summarise all the previous posts concisely? Run assorted anti-spyware/malware programs, and somehow identify everything that is starting, and somehow decide what is really needed. That should be tricky if he isn't that experienced. Maybe we need a Malwarebytes Anti-malware listing so we can all see just what is going on? zacman1094 where are you?

You can individually turn off the startup entries by changing the settings on the respective programs or You can use any of many free programs (ex: CCleaner) to disable or delete the startup entries of unwanted programs.

Install CCleaner, open it click on "Tools" then select "Start up" then disable or delete the entries you don't want at the start up

Or have you got infected with a lot of viruses/ trojans/ worms?

Have you noticed that the original poster hasn't been back to this thread?

Have you noticed that the original poster hasn't been back to this thread?

yes and so many other post suffer the same faith !i reply to 8 or 10 post some times and only 2or 3 come back!main reason is they are posting there ? on a dozen forums and take the first answer they get !

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